
For Immediate Release: Is overemphasizing profit costing you money?

Game Change: Leaders increase profits focusing on a noble purpose bigger than money

They lead different organizations across a gamut of industries: construction, travel, social media, and software. Instead of driving their organizations to improve profit, the se leaders make customer impact their end game.   The counter intuitive result is increased profit.

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Noble Purpose is the brainchild of business consultant Lisa Earle McLeod. McLeod developed the Noble Purpose methodology after her research revealed organizations with a purpose beyond money outperform the market by over 350%.
McLeod says, “We’ve made some incorrect assumptions about work, and those assumptions are killing us. We allowed a narrative that is solely about earnings to replace what we know to be true about human motivation. Human beings are hardwired to seek purpose, but for most people work is a grind, an endless series of tasks that lack meaning.”

These CEO’s and Presidents are at the forefront of the new business model profiled in McLeod’s latest book, Leading with Noble Purpose.  Naming and claiming a purpose bigger than money, and making that purpose the center of their organizations, has produced record revenues.

All CEO’s and McLeod available for interview.