
What Does Your Boss Need?

Do you do what your boss asks for? Or do you figure out what your boss really needs? One of the best lessons I ever learned about “boss management” came from my father, who told me, “I learned early on, seeing things from my boss’s perspective changes everything.” My.

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Three Things That Will Endear You to Your Family and Friends

I lost my Dad, Jay Earle, last week after a 6-month battle with cancer. Regular readers know my father’s stories: The skinny 1950s teen who played sax in a dance band with Warren Beatty, the 18-year-old who became a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy by volunteering for dirty jobs,.

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Why Trying To Be Liked Is The Death Knell For Happiness And Success

Do you want to be liked? Most of us do. But wanting to be liked by everyone can have a chilling effect on your happiness and success. I don’t buy into the notion that you have to be a jerk to succeed. But many people are so afraid of.

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The Great Sales Disconnect: Why We’re Weird About Salespeople

Houston, we have a problem. It’s not as dramatic as an out of control space capsule hurtling towards death. But it does cause many people to abort what could have been a successful mission. It’s a business problem. It’s the disconnect between the word sales and the word salesperson. People.

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Why Comparing Yourself to Other People is a Good Thing

Do you ever compare yourself to other people? Of course you do. We all do. People are always telling you not to compare yourself to others, but it’s part of human nature. Humans are called the comparing creatures. It’s not always a bad thing. Here are three ways comparing.

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Can I Get A Volunteer? Three Ways to Enlist More Support

Do you ever notice how some people always seem to be able to get plenty of help and support for their projects, yet others struggle to get people engaged? Whether it’s trying to find enough warm bodies to man the Spring Fling Sno Cone booth or convincing your coworkers.

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Volunteer Your Way to Success

Which is harder, trying to get a job or trying to keep one? With 14.8 million people unemployed, job competition has never been stiffer. If you’ve already got a job, there are plenty of people out there who are quite eager to take your place. And if you’re looking.

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Table Grace: Blessings for the Spiritually Eclectic

Realizing that he had the rapt attention of everyone in the room my brother paused for dramatic effect and eloquently issued his one-word proclamation: “Grace.” Thus revealing to the entire crowd of assembled relatives that my parents were heathen slackers who failed to provide their children with even the.

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Finding Grace When Your Job Is A Drag

Finding Grace when your job is a drag Excerpted from “Finding Grace When You Can’t Even Find Clean Underwear”By Lisa Earle McLeod The concept of work-life balance is a crock. If your job is sucking you dry, leaving you with no semblance of a real life, better balance isn’t.

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