

Why Your Best Employees Are Quitting Before They Start

Is your interview process driving the best people away? The days of the all-powerful employer sitting back while the candidate tries to impress them are over. If you want top talent, they are going to interview you, just as much as you are interviewing them. Here are three classic.

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Why Being Helpful Isn’t Just for Nice Guys (and Gals)

If I tell you someone is helpful, what image crosses your mind? Most people associate the word helpful with jobs like a crossing guard, or a traveler’s aide at the airport. Helpful people are nice to be around, but they’re rarely in charge, or so the thinking goes. When.

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How to Cross the Great Divide

We have never been more divided. Or so it would seem. If we are in fact divided, we are the ones who created the divide. The media and candidates can fuel the divide. But the divide only happens when we, the people, make negative assumptions about each other. If.

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Our Biggest Problems Have a Hidden Cause

What is the single biggest problem facing our planet? Is it Global Warming? Terrorism? Poverty? It’s none of the above.  Let me explain. What if we could triple the amount of human capital devoted to solving these and other major issues?  We can.  And we can do it with.

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Are You Going to Stop the Buck, or Assign Blame?

The buck stops here. The famous sign on Harry Truman’s desk applies to all of us. At a certain point, we all have a buck stops here moment. Whether stepping up at work to fix a problem you inherited, or even harder, breaking the chain of pain in your.

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Is Screen Time Improving Your Relationships?

In our click, tweet, screen culture, it’s easy to say that we’ve become dehumanized. For many organizations, customers and people are treated like a number in the virtual queue. The problem is not the technology. One need look no further than Facebook to see how the right technology can.

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5 Ways Leaders (Unknowingly) Sabotage The Sales KickOff

You’ve got a big number to hit.  It’s time to rally the troops.  You bring your sales team together for the sales kickoff meeting.  It’s big.  It’s expensive, and the logistics rival a space launch. But, sadly, for many companies the annual meeting is a rinse and repeat exercise.

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You Should Be Dancing, Yeah: At Work

How often do you hit the wall? It’s 3 o’clock (or 10 o’clock), you haven’t finished half of what you need to accomplish, but fatigue is hitting you like a ton of bricks. For me, it’s feels like a wave of exhaustion washing over my entire body. I notice.

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Wells Fargo and Volkswagen: The Cost of Quarterly Capitalism

Here we go again. Wells Fargo was recently fined $185 million because thousands of their employees set up millions of fake accounts customers didn’t ask for. Here’s what happened: The employees were incented to open additional accounts for existing customers. The sales goals were aggressive. Employees were evaluated, ranked.

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How to Avoid Being Average

Do you want to achieve more success? Or do you want to improve your leadership abilities? It’s a nuanced, and important question. When we want to advance our career, our first instinct is to focus on achievement, accomplishing certain milestones like pulling off the big deal, launching the new.

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