

Divorce: The Devil is in the Details

We all know them; you might even be one of them. They’re the bitter divorced people who five years later are still seething with anger at their ex-spouse. The question is, what causes the anger? The marriage, or the way they divorced? It’s ironic; people often divorce in the.

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Appreciating the Fragile Beauty of the Mundane

My neighbors just lost their 17-year-old daughter to cancer. She was diagnosed 13 months ago. Up until three weeks ago, she was responding well to the treatment, and everyone thought she was going to get better. Then a scan revealed that the cancer had returned with a vengeance, and.

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Are You Letting a Lizard Ruin Your Relationships?

Do you ever wonder why some people do the things they do? We all have our own unique perspectives and experiences. Our unique point of view is the lens through which we view the world. The good news is we’re all different. The bad news is sometimes we forget.

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Questions: The Magic Words to Make Someone Melt

Everyone is looking for the magic bullet, the secret words that will make our spouse melt, our coworker cooperate and our customer giggle with glee as they sign on the dotted line. After 20 years as a sales and business coach and a decade spent helping people with their.

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Table Grace: Blessings for the Spiritually Eclectic

Realizing that he had the rapt attention of everyone in the room my brother paused for dramatic effect and eloquently issued his one-word proclamation: “Grace.” Thus revealing to the entire crowd of assembled relatives that my parents were heathen slackers who failed to provide their children with even the.

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Just Because I'm Right, Doesn't Mean You're Wrong

Contrary to what the polarizing politicians (or your own ego) may tell you, validating another person’s truth doesn’t make you weaker; it makes you stronger.

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Just Because I’m Right, Doesn’t Mean You’re Wrong

Contrary to what the polarizing politicians (or your own ego) may tell you, validating another person’s truth doesn’t make you weaker; it makes you stronger.

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One Simple Thing That Makes Every Woman Happy

After talking with literally thousands of women, especially mothers, I can tell you – every time a woman has to badger a man to become more engaged, a little piece of her heart breaks.

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Are Your in-laws Trapped In A Truth Triangle?

Whether it’s the notion that there’s more than one way to be a proper parent, or the idea our chosen faith might not own the exclusive rights to the divine, we linear thinking humans often have a hard time assimilating multiple points of view. Yet in many.

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Is It OK For Humor Writers To Make Fun Of Their Spouse?

Should humor writers make fun of their families? Should you Facebook old boyfriends?

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