How do you create excellence? Many organizations assume: if we broadcast the metrics and hold people accountable, performance will improve. This assumption is wrong. Too often, the system’s leadership designs to improve performance wind up eroding trust and morale, the very things required for high performance. Let’s look at.
[Read More]In our always busy, always on, task-driven world, small talk is often deemed perfunctory, or even unproductive. At work, at home, and in our communities, these little chats are no longer in vogue. It happened by accident. No one (at least not me) woke up and thought, you know.
[Read More]They’ve been called the snowflake generation. Some leaders say Millennials and Generation Zs are adverse to hard work. I disagree, strongly. My team and I regularly work with organizations brimming with young people on fire for work. The difference is, younger generations want meaningful work. They’re not content with.
[Read More]Do experts do better in life? Consider two young professionals: Person 1 started coding in 8th grade. In college, they exempted all their general studies courses because of high school credits. In their single-minded pursuit of obtaining a great job, they went directly into a computer science major, completing.
[Read More]Already broke your resolution? You’re not alone. Resolutions are always more fun to make than they are to execute. The same is true with most change. We create these grand plans as our most aspirational selves. Yet when it comes time to go to the gym, be more focused.
[Read More]Viktor Frankl once said: It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness. As humans, we tend to pursue outcomes. Yet often what we really desire is experiences that create more nuanced feelings. For example, a client of mine set a goal to take a trip to Paris.
[Read More]Do you ask your friends or clients for favors? This subject came up in a discussion with a group of consultants. The specific question was: Is it appropriate to ask a client (or someone you know) about job openings for a colleague? The perception was that by asking someone.
[Read More]Tempercid enimil maxim quae pa nonempo ruptatus, eicatur aliquid quid ut fugitib eatur? Ur? Ximpos mincil moluptatenda ipicien dandit pre, quam endi volupta sitatem fugiatem que vidit am corions equatem olupiti stiunt quasperum volo cus. Tempercid enimil maxim quae pa nonempo ruptatus, eicatur aliquid quid ut fugitib eatur? Ur?.
[Read More]Tempercid enimil maxim quae pa nonempo ruptatus, eicatur aliquid quid ut fugitib eatur? Ur? Ximpos mincil moluptatenda ipicien dandit pre, quam endi volupta sitatem fugiatem que vidit am corions equatem olupiti stiunt quasperum volo cus. Tempercid enimil maxim quae pa nonempo ruptatus, eicatur aliquid quid ut fugitib eatur? Ur?.
[Read More]Tempercid enimil maxim quae pa nonempo ruptatus, eicatur aliquid quid ut fugitib eatur? Ur? Ximpos mincil moluptatenda ipicien dandit pre, quam endi volupta sitatem fugiatem que vidit am corions equatem olupiti stiunt quasperum volo cus. Tempercid enimil maxim quae pa nonempo ruptatus, eicatur aliquid quid ut fugitib eatur? Ur?.
[Read More]