
Take “Yes But” Off the Table

In some environments it’s harder to create positive cultures than others. Phil Moore, Managing Partner of Porter Keadle Moore, an Atlanta based accounting firm says, “As accountants, our job is to find the bad stuff that other people can’t see, so it’s easy for our default to be negative.”.

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Ranger Up: How to Stop Being Wimpy

How do you motivate yourself in difficult situations? I learned a technique from my brother, Jim Earle, a former US Army Ranger to help pull it out of our gut when things get tough. It’s a single phrase that has become our business mantra: Ranger Up. It’s not just.

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Is it Okay to Cry at Work?

Traditional wisdom has told us that emotions don’t belong at work. This idea isn’t just wrong; it’s insane. When was the last time you heard a CEO say, “I wish my people weren’t so excited?” Have you ever wished that your suppliers were less passionate? Have you ever wanted.

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How to Be a Noble Purpose Parent

How would you evaluate your parenting? If you’re like most of us, you probably do some things well, and some things not so well. My husband and I have been parents for two decades. We have two daughters. We haven’t been perfect parents; anymore than either of our own.

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Are You Proud of Your Job? Or Are You Eager to Make Money? Or Perhaps Both?

As someone who studies human motivation, here’s what I have observed, when people talk about striving for a bonus, or driving company earnings, they tend to look eager, and frankly quite stressed. Yet when people talk about making a difference to their team, students, customer, or constituents, they beam.

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How to be Persuasive in an ADD World

Everyone wants to influence and persuade. Worthy causes want to attract donors and volunteers. Marketers want you to buy their products. Teachers must persuade students to put their time and attention into the subject. People who believe in their cause (be it a product, idea, or subject matter) often.

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Lose the Drama, Take the Coaching

Have you ever watched one of those TV shows where people get advice from an expert?  It’s an odd dynamic, people go on the shows for help, but when the experts weigh in they become defensive and resist. It’s an exaggerated version of what happens in any work setting..

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What the Big Airplane Decision Reveals About Your Job

There’s a moment on every airplane when you make a decision. It’s not a life changing decision, but it’s a decision nonetheless. It’s the moment when you decide – Am I going to speak to the person next to me? Or am I going to ignore them? Imagine that.

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What’s the Matter with Work?

When I was kid growing up, I saw work in a very particular way. A lot of it stems from visiting my Dad at work, when I was six or seven. My Dad worked in a bank. It wasn’t one of these glass-windowed banks that you see now that.

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Guilty Volunteer Please Put Your Hand Down

Are you a guilty volunteer? A guilty volunteer is someone who can’t say no, but then resents saying yes. For example, if the emails say, “We need helpers for field day.”  Do you translate that it into, “The school or church will crumble into dust if you don’t help.

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