
Crazy People

No One Needs to Know How Awful They Are

Have you ever worked for a terrible communicator? Perhaps you have a family member who routinely criticizes everyone. There’s nothing like the dysfunctions of others to bring out the beast in us. When I was in my twenties and thirties, I spent the better part of a decade as.

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Three Marketing Tips From the Two best Panhandlers in Vegas

Marketing Ideas from Las Vegas Be Different New, improved, fabulous, best, etc., the language of marketing is fueled with so many meaningless adjectives that we’ve become immune to them. Yet most people are afraid to push the envelope with anything more interesting. “Need $$ for Weed” said, “I’m saying.

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Three Marketing Tips From the Two best Panhandlers in Vegas

I was recently in Vegas, where a walk down The Strip is a marketing juggernaut. From the costumed characters tossing you coupons for all you can eat buffet, to the carnival-like barkers pitching you on the coolest show in town, everyone is trying to sell you something.  And then.

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Why the “My Job is Harder” Fight isn’t a Battle You Want to Win

There’s a human tendency to feel like you’re pulling more than your fair share of the weight. That’s because we only experience the hardships of our own reality. We don’t see the work our colleague or partner does when we’re not around. We don’t experience their stress or tension..

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Why Understanding the Back Story Helps You Solve the Problem

Whose photo would you rather see on the news, the killer or the hero? Should we be deconstructing the life of a murderer? Or honoring the lives of the heroes? In the aftermath of the Boston bombings many have suggested that the media attention paid to the killers is.

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Who Are You Letting Into Your Head?

Have you ever been infuriated by someone’s Facebook post? You’re not alone. One minute you’re mindlessly trolling pictures of your high school girlfriend’s nephew’s graduation, the next minute, someone’s political post makes your head spin. How could they possibly be so misinformed? Wrong question. The right question is, Why did.

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4 Well-Intended Comments That Suck The Life Out Of People

Are you sabotaging people without realizing it? We want the people around us to do their best, but sometimes, in our efforts to “help,” we wind up making them feel worse. I’ve watched well-intended bosses, parents and spouses unknowingly crush the very people they want to build up. Sometimes.

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Why People Become Extremists During Arguments

 It starts out calm. You’re having an intelligent debate with a colleague. Then they say something that pushes your buttons and before you know it, the words are flying and logic is out the window. Reasoned debate is gone, now it’s a “moral” argument. Complexity and nuance are lost.

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Why Avoiding Conflict Keeps You Trapped In It Forever

“Avoiding conflict wreaks havoc on business and relationships as well.” Most people don’t like conflict.   It feels risky and time consuming. They’re either afraid of it or they don’t want to expend the energy to deal with it. The problem is, avoiding conflict doesn’t work either.  It doesn’t reduce tension, if anything,.

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How To Keep Emotional Vampires From Leeching Your Ambition

She was my boss’ secretary, back in those days when there was such a thing as personal secretaries. She was mean as a snake.  She snapped at anyone who dared ask her for assistance with anything.  And if you made a mistake, heaven help you. We called her “Mean Jean.”  The smart people.

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