
Noble Purpose Newsletter

Selling with Noble Purpose reviewed on

A special thank you to Dave Straker the founder of, for his wonderful review of Selling with Noble Purpose. ChangingMinds is the largest site in the world on all aspects of how we change what others think, believe, feel and do. Check it out!

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Why Praising the Numbers is Not Enough

Lisa explains the narrative that leaders need to improve sales performance.

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The Horrible Thing That Happens When Systems Sabotage People

Which is more important, computers or people? Anyone with brains would say people. But you wouldn’t know it from the way many businesses are structured. A client of mine just experienced a “the system won’t let me help you ” experience that boggles my mind. He was returning from.

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Innovative Service Lessons from a Master Griller

Innovative Service Lessons from a Master Griller My son, Bilijack, is a world class griller. More than a hobby, he refers to himself as a grill snob…as in, an expert who knows he’s an expert. And, he only uses quality charcoal as his source of heat! He labels my “over.

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Why Your Sales Force Should Not Be Performing Seals

Lisa explains why it’s not a good idea to force your sales people to follow a sales script during their sales calls.

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Why Trying To Be Liked Is The Death Knell For Happiness And Success

Do you want to be liked? Most of us do. But wanting to be liked by everyone can have a chilling effect on your happiness and success. I don’t buy into the notion that you have to be a jerk to succeed. But many people are so afraid of.

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Decatur Book Festival 2013

I’m very excited to be presenting at this year’s event! If you’re in the ATL, please join me Saturday, Aug. 31 at 10:00AM. I’ll be at the Marriott Conference Center, Ballroom A.

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Why Bosses And Teachers Have So Much Power Over Families

We talk about you at dinner. Almost every night, our spouse or child gives us a recap of your day. We hear about your moods, what you said or did, sometimes, we even hear about your wardrobe and facial expressions. It’s probably not fair, but if you’re a boss.

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My conversation with sales coach Deb Calvert on CONNECT

Listen to my conversation with sales coach Deb Calvert on CONNECT: Great tips for managing new salespeople, and also how to manage your BOSS!

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Why We Make Inaccurate Assessments About Other People

A client of mine recently told me, “All my boss cares about is money.” Yet I was in a private meeting with his boss, the CEO, just the day before, and when I asked him (the CEO) to identify his top three priorities they were in order: 1. Creating a.

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