
Noble Purpose Newsletter

Why Hope Is A Great Strategy

How do you solve big problems? You start with hope. Perhaps you’ve heard the expression, hope is not a strategy. I beg to differ. Hope is an excellent strategy. It’s the first step to solving any problem. Consider what happens when you have no hope. Imagine you’re facing a.

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Decisive Leadership in Uncertain Times

3 Strategies That Make the Top 2% More Successful  1. Emphasize purpose over profits Your organization’s purpose is how you make a difference in the world. It sounds fluffy, but it translates into cold hard cash. A study from Jim Collins and Jerry Porras  found that “Organizations driven by purpose.

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One Dysfunction per Generation – Deal With It

It’s always easier to judge the past than the present. The problem is we tend to judge people by looking backwards without considering how things looked from their vantage point at the time. It’s easy for us to say that investing in a buggy whip company is a terrible.

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One Simple Thing to Make People Like You More

Do you want to know the one thing that will make every single one of your relationships significantly better? It’s easy. If you think a kind thought, say it. Out loud. How many times have you thought, “Wow, my co-worker is really great with customers” or “Gee, I love.

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Performance Reviews, Santa and the Slack Factor

They slack off all year, avoiding chores like the plague, whining and complaining every time you ask them to do anything. Then, two weeks before the big guy comes to town, they’re suddenly enthusiastic and eager to please. I’m not talking about kids sucking up for Santa. I’m talking.

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One Free Thing That Will Make Your Life Better

I confess — I’m a resolution maker. I’ve found that I’m significantly more successful if I stick to just one realistic resolution.  Case in point, “I’m going all organic” in 2003 was a total bust. I was back to Quik Trip corn dogs by mid January. I’ve found the.

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How To Enjoy Business Travel When You’d Rather Be Home

Traveling for business sounds glamorous.  Until you have to do it. During the last 4 weeks,  I’ve traveled toCaliforniatwice and made trips toNew Jersey,New York, and Bermuda. I wasn’t sunning myself on a beach or taking in Broadway shows.  I was working. I love my job. I do keynotes.

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How To Get People To Buy Into Your Ideas

Stan was excited about his presentation. His proposal was perfect. He was confident the senior leadership team would quickly buy into the brilliance of his plan. He was envisioning a fat promotion. Imagine his surprise when 5 minutes in, the CEO said, “I don’t think so, let’s move to.

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Are You An Additive Person Or A Subtractive One?

It started with stuffing. But then, as Southern family fights tend to do, it went from stuffing to sweet potatoes to full fledged character assassination. It’s the kind of fight that sears into your soul, because you know that it’s about a lot more than just stuffing. It’s about.

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How To Enjoy Your Life Even When You Can’t Slow Down

Running a busy life sounds good in theory. But more often than not, it can feel your life is running you. A high impact life, with lots of work and personal responsibilities is challenging because you care passionately about every single aspect of it. The problem is, when you.

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