
Noble Purpose Newsletter

Why Do Men Cheat? Bless Their Lyin Little Scumbag Hearts

Why do men cheat? Bless their lyin little scumbag hearts By Lisa Earle McLeod What makes a man cheat? The very same reason that disgruntled office workers steal paper clips and people pout at family reunions: lack of appreciation. On recent Oprah show, Dr. M. Gary Neuman, the author.

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Speak Now Or Forever Withhold Your Pride

Speak now or forever withhold your pride By Lisa Earle McLeod I recently attended a memorial service for the father of a friend of mine. It’s kind of a middle-aged rite of passage, attending your friends’ parents’ funerals, that is. In this case, the friend who lost her father.

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Angst Is In The Air: Be Careful It's Catching

Angst is in the air: Be careful it’s catching By Lisa Earle McLeod The economy is tanking, the election is endless, and now it looks like I might have to sell my blood if I want to keep my kids in mac ‘n cheese. Oh, and did I mention.

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Is Your Day Job Killing Your Dreams?

Is your day job killing your dreams? By Lisa Earle McLeod Does everyone have a purpose? And what happens if you accidentally spend your life doing something else? The “What do you want to be when you grow up?” question is a fun exercise when you’re little, but it.

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Quick, Lock The Bedroom, She's Angry Again

Quick, lock the bedroom room, she’s angry again By Lisa Earle McLeod Is she crazy, is she hormonal or is she finally shouting the truth? We’re all familiar with the stereotype of the angry woman. A shrieking shrew who sends her family scurrying for cover anytime she threatens to.

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Quick, Lock The Bedroom, She’s Angry Again

Quick, lock the bedroom room, she’s angry again By Lisa Earle McLeod Is she crazy, is she hormonal or is she finally shouting the truth? We’re all familiar with the stereotype of the angry woman. A shrieking shrew who sends her family scurrying for cover anytime she threatens to.

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We The People Need A Detox From Our Election

We the people need a detox from our election By Lisa Earle McLeod The people have spoken. It was the longest election cycle in history. The ads were endless, the attacks were sometimes ruthless, and the gossip was wickedly riveting. But now that it’s all over, my big question.

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Tell Your Tale Or Watch It Evaporate

Tell your tale or watch it evaporate By Lisa Earle McLeod What’s your story? You know, the story you tell yourself about your life, who you are, where you came from and what’s happened to you. We all tell ourselves stories. They’re the narratives that play out in our.

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Faux Pas in France: Four Americans in Paris

Faux Pas in France: Four Americans in Paris By Lisa Earle McLeod We didn’t wear our big white tennis shoes, we didn’t complain about the lack of ice, and we never once asked where you could buy a big Gulp. But they could still peg us as Americans, even.

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The Totin' Tour de France Four Clueless Americans in France, Part Deux

The Totin’ Tour de France Four Clueless Americans in France, Part Deux By Lisa Earle McLeod I swear we tried to cull our stuff. I even told the kids that they should turn their underwear inside out for the second week of our trip. But there we were, lurching.

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