The lines between work and home may be blurred, but make no mistake, the skills and mindset required in each venue remain distinctly different. I’ve worked for myself, out of my home office, for 18 years. The cram it all in simultaneously lifestyle was an anomaly back.
[Read More]We talk about you at dinner. Almost every night, our spouse or child gives us a recap of your day. We hear about your moods, what you said or did, sometimes, we even hear about your wardrobe and facial expressions. It’s probably not fair, but if you’re a boss.
[Read More]Whose photo would you rather see on the news, the killer or the hero? Should we be deconstructing the life of a murderer? Or honoring the lives of the heroes? In the aftermath of the Boston bombings many have suggested that the media attention paid to the killers is.
[Read More]I admit it; I’m a language junkie. I believe that words matter. I was recently in a business situation that revealed how much our word choice can affect our relationships. A major manufacturing company was choosing a consultant to help them revamp their sales strategy and develop their sales.
[Read More]It’s always easier to judge the past than the present. The problem is we tend to judge people by looking backwards without considering how things looked from their vantage point at the time. It’s easy for us to say that investing in a buggy whip company is a terrible.
[Read More]I confess — I’m a resolution maker. I’ve found that I’m significantly more successful if I stick to just one realistic resolution. Case in point, “I’m going all organic” in 2003 was a total bust. I was back to Quik Trip corn dogs by mid January. I’ve found the.
[Read More]Are you sabotaging people without realizing it? We want the people around us to do their best, but sometimes, in our efforts to “help,” we wind up making them feel worse. I’ve watched well-intended bosses, parents and spouses unknowingly crush the very people they want to build up. Sometimes.
[Read More]Can a single pivotal behavior elevate the culture of your entire organization? It can if it’s the right behavior. Here’s how a simple 1 minute act helped an organization outperform their competition by leaps and bounds: My family and I were moving our daughter into Boston University last weekend..
[Read More]She was my boss’ secretary, back in those days when there was such a thing as personal secretaries. She was mean as a snake. She snapped at anyone who dared ask her for assistance with anything. And if you made a mistake, heaven help you. We called her “Mean Jean.” The smart people.
[Read More]Can a single thought change your life? It’s certainly a good place to start. When we’re not aware of our own internal thoughts, we tend to believe that our actions are in response to our circumstances. But that’s not the way it really works. Here’s what actually happens: Our.
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