Are you as frustrated with politics as I am? As a nation, we’re more divided and mistrustful of each other than I’ve ever seen in my adult lifetime. I’m going to go ahead and say it: I want to fall back in love with my country. I confess I’m.
[Read More]When was the last time you felt sorry for yourself? How about annoyed? Think about the last time you felt low, for whatever reason. What thoughts were going through your head? If you examine your mental talk track during low periods, you’ll likely find one common theme: An.
[Read More]A good apology is a rare and treasured gift. It’s a treasure for both the giver and the receiver because a true apology includes a transformational moment of empathy. Consider this common workplace challenge: Someone takes credit for your idea at a meeting. They realize it afterwards, or someone.
[Read More]When I was in college I worked as the receptionist for a health club. My boss, the owner, was a young guy who’d been a fitness buff and had the gumption to start his own business. I refer to him as young guy now. Back then, when I was.
[Read More]Which is more important, systems or emotion? Recently, I was working with the senior team of a mid-size firm that was struggling. They wanted to stand out, but they were often regarded as a transactional non-differentiated organization. Their processes needed improvement. Worked bogged down in various places inside the.
[Read More]Congratulations, you got the job! Now it’s time for you to actually start working. A first day at a new job can feel like drinking from a fire hose, new names, tons of products, systems, policies, etc. Depending on your company, you might spend your first day in a.
[Read More]Apart from being fired, being passed over for a promotion is one of the worst feelings at work. And it’s even more painful when the person who DID get the promotion, is someone you work with. On the flip side, sometimes you’re the one who gets promoted and you’re.
[Read More]“We’re going to start holding people accountable.” How often have you heard this at work? Accountability is a funny thing. We all want a workplace where people are accountable. The only thing more frustrating than someone who consistently fails to deliver is when the boss consistently fails to hold.
[Read More]Do you like being told what to do? Most of us don’t. As humans, we want to feel in control of our own destiny, or at the very least, our day. To thrive, we all need a sense of agency. Without it, we’re powerless, flung about by the winds.
[Read More]What kind of a relationship do you have with your bank? Below is the true story of my daughter’s experience with her bank. Spoiler alert, it doesn’t end well. In terms of a prospect, I was a layup. I have a checking account with one of the big banks..
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