It’s all so clear…. 6 hours later. Have you ever thought of the perfect response after a conversation ended? For me, it happens in the shower. As I replay the conversation hours or days later, the perfect words flow effortlessly, down the drain, unheard by anyone except me. We’ve.
[Read More]The line between ‘corporate employee’ and ‘entrepreneur’ is blurring fast. Organizations now recognize the need for rapid innovation, growth mindsets, and other self-starter habits typically reserved for entrepreneurs or scrappy startups. Whether you’re preparing to make the leap into entrepreneurship or just need a little bit more of that.
[Read More]“We’ve already spent the money.” This single phrase is responsible for more bad decisions than almost any other. Whether it’s millions on an IT project or $100 for concert tickets, once we part with cash, we become invested in sticking with our decision. Several years ago, I ordered a.
[Read More]Job openings have hit a record high. There’s energy in the market; the flood of new positions in aviation, hospitality, and tech are contributing to a collective buzz. Yet for many organizations, filling positions is becoming increasingly challenging. From American Airlines canceling flights, citing a labor shortage, to Applebee’s offering free food to anyone willing.
[Read More]A swirl of news stories about ‘The Great Resignation’ has put employee retention in the leadership spotlight. 1 in 4 workers is considering quitting their job after the pandemic. I’ve seen the fear in our consulting practice, too; Our clients are deeply worried about retaining their talent as the.
[Read More]A few weeks ago, The Wall Street Journal reported that as the pandemic cloud lifts, the percentage of Americans leaving their employer for new opportunities is at the highest level in more than two decades. Many high performers are taking a long look at post-pandemic life. The last year.
[Read More]Most leaders recognize, your team is going to make mistakes. The challenge is, all mistakes are not equal. There’s a big difference between errors of apathy and errors of enthusiasm. Errors of apathy are the kind of mistakes that happen when no one feels responsible, so everyone just passes.
[Read More]“So, how’ve you been?!” You search for the words. Between unrelenting work chaos, managing virtual school, and the constant anxiety of dealing with a pandemic, it’s hard to know how to respond to a well-intended reach out like this. “Uh, we’re hanging in there! Crazy time right!?” You awkwardly.
[Read More]*Burnout* seems to be the word of the year. For many organizations, the shift to virtual work, an onslaught of urgent changes, and the ominous shadow of an uncertain future have contributed to a workforce that is exhausted. Much of what has been written about burnout is directed at managers..
[Read More]What if you could change the way you experience your work by simply shifting your lens? What if someone else’s perspective on your work could bring you more happiness and energy even when circumstances seem to be working against you? Years ago, when I was a corporate trainer, I.
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