When you have a financial lens on decision-making sometimes it’s hard to consider any other factors. Leaders trained in a traditional ROI model often default to it in every situation. I saw this play out in unforgettable meeting I attended over a decade ago. I still remember exactly what.
[Read More]Friends of mine recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. While you can never really be inside someone else’s marriage, this couple seems happy. Not gushing PDA besotted. But during the entire time I’ve know them, they always smile when they say the other person’s name. That’s the “tell.” Pay.
[Read More]“If you enjoyed your experience, refer a friend and we’ll give you half off your next order.” It’s a common offer. In this case it came from the car wash. I’ve gotten similar offers from my dentist, a home contractor, the make up store, a video conferencing service and.
[Read More]“I want to do it, but he won’t go along.” Stan had just been through an innovative marketing seminar. As a partner in a mid-size consulting firm, he was looking for ways to take the business to the next level. The seminar opened up a whole new world for.
[Read More]Steve knew the project wasn’t working. Energy was waning; the milestones were falling further behind and the weekly meetings were stale, a rinse and repeat of the previous week. In terms of priorities, this project wasn’t urgent. The deliverables would be helpful, but there was no burning platform, no.
[Read More]Do you remember your first day of your current job? What was it like? As organizational tenure declines, the gig economy ramps up, and an entire new generation enters the workforce, the task of “getting new people up to speed” has become increasingly challenging. While the foundational elements of.
[Read More]Do you make your decisions by design, or by default? Your life is the sum of your decisions. A business is created by the decisions the leaders make or don’t make. A family exists and operates because of decisions. One of the biggest challenges with decision-making, is not the.
[Read More]When they were only ten people, they didn’t give much thought to how they shared beliefs. They didn’t need to. It was obvious; their product was going to revolutionize the industry. They were on fire. They were going to change the way people did business. They talked about it.
[Read More]There’s a moment of suspended animation for any leader. It’s the time between when you’re called to leadership and when you actually assume the mantle of responsibility. It’s a crucial time, because people are deciding who you are and what you stand for before you even show up for.
[Read More]When Glenn Close uttered this drop-dead line in The Wife, I laughed out loud at the horrible truth. In the movie, Close was advising her husband, a famous author, not to anger a reporter. Her husband, a powerful famous man, seemed oblivious as to how his treatment of a.
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