There it is, the resignation letter. You’ve spent time hiring, training, and getting this employee up to speed, and now they’re leaving you. Perhaps they’re going to the competition, switching industries, or launching their own firm. Or maybe they’ve decided to be a poet and travel the world. No.
[Read More]What would you do if you knew your boss was making a bad decision? We’ve all been there. How did you respond? Do you sit back and watch it. Or do you step outside your comfort zone and address it? My father once told me, “No matter what your.
[Read More]Bill was frustrated; his boss just didn’t get it. Bill thought his boss expected too much. In my conversation with Bill he said, “My boss worries about the smallest things, then he freaks out if they’re not done perfectly.” As he spoke, something about the way Bill described his.
[Read More]Is money the root of all evil? I don’t believe so. Yet many of us live with a weird dichotomy when it comes to money. We want money, but we don’t want to be perceived as wanting it. Consider these mixed messages: Good companies are profitable and financially stable..
[Read More]Do you want to achieve more success? Or do you want to improve your leadership abilities? Its a nuanced, and important question. When we want to advance our career, our first instinct is to focus on achievement, accomplishing certain milestones like pulling off the big deal, launching the new.
[Read More]Have you ever faced public humiliation? I have. Years ago I was up for a promotion; I knew that one of my peers was also being considered. I lost. My boss at the time had the good grace to call me into his office, late in the day, and.
[Read More]Why do you go to work? For many people work is a means to an end. They work because they want/need a paycheck. But ask an entrepreneur why they chose their profession, and you’ll find a story about love and passion, the story also usually involves exhaustion. Let’s face.
[Read More]What if everyone who interacted with you had the opportunity to rate your performance? Guess what? They already do. Peruse LinkedIn, Glassdoor and Yelp, and you’ll see personal comments on everyone from CEOs to a specific waitress at a coffee shop. changed the game on professors by giving.
[Read More]It seems like it happens overnight. One minute you’re the young upstart; the next minute you’re the oldest person in the room. If it suddenly feels like you’re the only one who remembers the Partridge family, there’s a reason. The number of young people in the workforce has exploded. .
[Read More]Who are your five closest friends? Did you intentionally choose them? Or are they circumstantial friends? Whether you realize it or not, your closest friends set the bar for what you consider to be normal. For example, if youre a B student and all your friends get Cs, youll.
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