You start out with I’ll be satisfied when I get that promotion. You get promoted, and then you think… I’ll be happy when I reach six figures. Now you make great money, but your mind jumps to, I’ll know I’ve made it when I have my own office. Despite.
[Read More]I’ve long said: Sales makes the wheels of commerce spin. Whether you’re a solopreneur or leading a multinational team, the ability to sell keeps your business moving. As we enter (what seems to be) a period of economic uncertainty, organizational leaders and salespeople become anxious about keeping revenue flowing. .
[Read More]“It’s a good learning opportunity!” “This could be great exposure!” “We’d really love your help!” All forms of here’s another thing for you to take on. You don’t want to be viewed as a “quiet quitter” but you also recognize, bandwidth challenges are real. Especially in large organizations, opportunities.
[Read More]Children are inherent dreamers. They have imaginary friends, create new games, and change direction all the time, viewing the world as a place full of possibility. I watched my own children start a new “business” every weekend, from lemonade stands, to jewelry made from sticks, to “ice sculptures” (i.e..
[Read More]Several years ago, I ordered a package of concert tickets. The package was for a variety of artists all performing at the same venue, spanning over a couple of months. The morning of the very first concert some friends called to invite us to an impromptu party that night..
[Read More]A few weeks ago, I attended a professional development seminar. On the first day, the leader of the workshop asked the group – “How many people are guilty of underselling themselves?” 98% of the room raised their hand. Almost every single person in the room. Here’s the kicker: This.
[Read More]Is it just a weird vibe or is doom on the horizon? In the public eye, the downfall of an organization seems to happen quickly. Yet, behind closed doors, there are often clues that demise is imminent long before the trending LinkedIn story. I’ve been reading a new book-.
[Read More]Lately, all the cool kids have purpose. It’s well documented that purpose-driven firms outperform their competitors. Customers want to buy from companies that stand for something bigger than just their quarterly targets, and employees want to be part of something bigger than themselves. In an era where BlackRock’s CEO,.
[Read More]Who is the leader? Is it someone with a specific title, a handful of direct reports, or just a lot of experience? As organizational hierarchies fade and teams become more wide than they are deep, the need to lead without formal authority is on the rise. One mistake I see a.
[Read More]There’s no open bar, no opportunity to see your old pals, and no chance for the top revenue producers to bask in the glow of their applauding (and envious) peers. This begs the question, should you even bother with a sales meeting? The resounding answer is YES. Your sales.
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