

“Don’t burn your bridges” …Except in These 3 Situations

We’ve all had moments where we force ourselves to bite our tongue. Maybe it’s an erratic boss, a less-than-tactful coworker, or a downright rude customer.  In the moment, you sit there calmly, with the age-old adage in the back of your mind….don’t burn your bridges. This long-time career advice.

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The Brain-Changing Magic of Meaningful Work

What if you could change the way you experience your work by simply shifting your lens? What if someone else’s perspective on your work could bring you more happiness and energy even when circumstances seem to be working against you? Years ago, when I was a corporate trainer, I.

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Purpose Types

The Do-er finds purpose by making sure everything gets done on time and correctly. Do-ers tend to be organized, thorough, independent, timely, and prepared. They value systems and order. Do-ers activate their sense of purpose by providing structure, organization and commitment to their team. Do-ers tend to be Factual.

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Answering the Three Discovery Questions

How do you make a difference?  It’s not a product or even a service, it’s what happens because of all of that. The lasting stamp you leave on their lives and businesses.  To do this, try making an impact map, a visual representation of the ripple effect your products.

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The Noble Purpose of a Sales Team

If someone asked your team, “What’s the purpose of our organization?” How would they answer? Sometimes we fall into a trap of thinking that a concept like purpose is reserved for people in nonprofits, or teachers and nurses. And that those of us in corporate America can’t have it..

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Why Fear-Based Leadership Fails

When I was a young manager I had an experience that forever altered my perspective of what it means to be a leader. Six months into my tenure as a sales manager, we got a new “big boss” who came to town to make sales calls with us. To.

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There’s nothing more dangerous than a writer whose feelings have been hurt”

When Glenn Close uttered this drop-dead line in The Wife, I laughed out loud at the horrible truth.  In the movie, Close was advising her husband, a famous author, not to anger a reporter.  Her husband, a powerful famous man, seemed oblivious as to how his treatment of a.

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How to Keep Work From Taking Over Your Entire Life

Just another thing hanging over your head.”  This common expression now comes in poster form.  Or should I say, art form.  Here’s the image making the rounds on Pinterest: Picture a massive white canvass, 6 feet tall, framed in gold, hanging over a modern navy bed in a light-filled.

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The Noble Purpose Slide Doc

Need a refresher on what it means to sell and lead with Noble Purpose? Want something to show your boss, or your team, to make the value case? Desiring to share the power of purpose with someone else? CHECK OUT THE NOBLE PURPOSE SLIDE DOC

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