A few weeks ago, The Wall Street Journal reported that as the pandemic cloud lifts, the percentage of Americans leaving their employer for new opportunities is at the highest level in more than two decades. Many high performers are taking a long look at post-pandemic life. The last year.
[Read More]What percentage of time do you spend in meetings? According to the Muse, If you’re a middle manager, it’s likely about 35% of your time. If you’re in upper management, it can be a whopping 50% (or even more if when you’re doing everything virtually). Meetings have a bad reputation..
[Read More]In our always busy, always on, task-driven world, small talk is often deemed perfunctory, or even unproductive. At work, at home, and in our communities, these little chats are no longer in vogue. It happened by accident. No one (at least not me) woke up and thought, you know.
[Read More]When you have a financial lens on decision-making sometimes it’s hard to consider any other factors. Leaders trained in a traditional ROI model often default to it in every situation. I saw this play out in unforgettable meeting I attended over a decade ago. I still remember exactly what.
[Read More]The man next to me in 38C is frustrated because the flight from Boston has been delayed by 2 hours. He’s got an aisle seat, and a drink in his hand, but he’s still very annoyed. Meanwhile, I’m in the center seat, between two big guys who are taking.
[Read More]Do you change yourself to try to fit in? Or do you try to change the culture, to make it more inclusive for people like you? It’s a question for everyone who has ever been in the minority at work. Consider this scenario: Imagine a man walking into his.
[Read More]Consider the difference between these two phrases: “I have to.” vs. “I get to.” Imagine you’re going to spend the day taking care of a sick family member. Maybe it’s your father, or your brother, or maybe it’s your child. You’re going to spend a day taking care of.
[Read More]Could you do me a favor? It’s a common phrase, but it’s packed with meaning. Most of us like to do favors. But we’re often uncomfortable asking for favors. I had to ask a favor recently, from someone I didn’t know. It got me thinking about how asking and.
[Read More]It’s the age-old question, but what if I told you, the answer was two short words? Now it’s not wine and cheese, nor is it TV and shopping? It’s not even love and money. The meaning of life is friendship and creativity. I didn’t come by this revelation on.
[Read More]Viktor Frankl once said: It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness. As humans, we tend to pursue outcomes. Yet often what we really desire is experiences that create more nuanced feelings. For example, a client of mine set a goal to take a trip to Paris.
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