
business strategy

How to Get Someone’s Attention (Without Being Annoying)

The leaves are changing, the coffee is spiced, and your emails remain unanswered. “Let’s circle back after the holidays” season is officially upon us. Ugh. Whether you’re in sales, heading up an internal project, or just trying to get some feedback from your boss, getting attention this time of.

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What If Getting Great Results Doesn’t Have To Be So Hard?

If you’ve ever tried, and perhaps succeeded in achieving a big goal, you know that great results require hard work (and lots of it). The sacrifice and struggle associated with accomplishment are part of the puritan work ethic, bootstrap-it-up mythology many of us have been marinating in since birth, both.

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Noble Purpose: A Business Strategy, Not Just A Slogan

All the cool kids have a purpose. Philosophers have been talking about purpose and meaning since the dawn of time. But since I wrote Selling with Noble Purpose in 2012, and trademarked the Noble Purpose methodology for business, the idea of purpose in business has become mainstream. More and.

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