

You See What You Look For: How to Train Your Brain for More Gratitude, Joy, and Connection

Have you ever decided to buy a certain type of car? Let’s say you want a blue sedan. As you mull over your decision, you notice blue sedans everywhere. Did everyone get a blue sedan overnight? Probably not. When you become more aware of something, you start seeing it.

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Training Your Brain: How to Feel More Gratitude, Connection, and Happiness

I was having brunch with a few of my friends over the weekend. We were sharing what we had been up to over the last several months and I mentioned that I had recently participated in a gratitude seminar. Each of them leaned in. After all, who doesn’t want.

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How to Keep The Good Intentions You Made During the Holidays

We’re one month into the New Year, and for many of us our resolution to be kinder, more grateful and more connected is falling by the wayside. All hope is not lost. We can reclaim those good intentions with just a few intentional actions each day. Here are four.

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Thoughts for this Year’s Holidays

I was on the phone with a senior leader from Texas yesterday. I asked what he was doing over the holiday. He answered in his Texas drawl, “Well I’ve never been big on New Year’s celebrations but this year, I’m gonna spend my mortgage on fireworks. I need to.

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Why Your Partner is Still Unenlightened

“I want to do it, but he won’t go along.” Stan had just been through an innovative marketing seminar. As a partner in a mid-size consulting firm, he was looking for ways to take the business to the next level.  The seminar opened up a whole new world for.

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Gratitude is a Gateway Drug

When was the last time you felt sorry for yourself? How about annoyed? Think about the last time you felt low, for whatever reason. What thoughts were going through your head?   If you examine your mental talk track during low periods, you’ll likely find one common theme: An.

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The Surprising ROI On Gratitude Training

What are you grateful for? Your family? A home? These are the typical go to’s when people discuss gratitude. Pop culture is filled with studies touting the benefits of gratitude for health, happiness, and overall well-being. But is it good for business? According to the Harvard Medical School editorial “In.

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Why We Put Happiness On Hold (And How To Stop Doing That)

Do you suffer from the “When . . .” syndrome? When I get a promotion, I’ll be happy. When I lose weight, I’ll start going to pool parties. When things calm down, I’ll learn to relax. Or maybe you suffer from the ‘If. . . s” If we had.

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