Politician uncovers peace plot
By Lisa Earle McLeod www.forgetperfect.com
Theres a heinous plot afoot that could rip away the very foundation upon which this great country was founded.
House Majority Whip Rep. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) has exposed a secret cell of peacemakers determined to change the American way of life. While Republicans fight the War on Terror, says Blunt, House Democrats plot to establish a Department of Peace.
This peace plot is not just the work of a few crazies, its an actual bill before Congress, with 75 co-sponsors in the House and two in the Senate. And word on the street is that legions of PTA moms and Christian clergy are actually supporting this lunacy.
Do these people not read the Bible? What part of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth do they not understand? This seditious bill would have a Secretary of Peace sitting on the presidents cabinet, right next to the Secretary of Defense!
According to www.ThePeaceAlliance.org, the Secretary of Peace would advise the President, the Secretaries of Defense and State, and others on root causes of violence, plus provide practical ways to dismantle violence while still in a formative phase.
Hell-o-o-o? Like the presidents cabinet really has time for that nonsense during this Iraq crisis. Why dont we just set up a campfire at the next U.N. meeting and ask all the world leaders to join us in a few rounds of Kumbaya?
The subversive plot (aka the Department of Peace Bill) also includes a provision for a Peace Academy, on par with our current military academies, to teach the most cutting-edge techniques for the amelioration of violence among domestic and international populations.
Is anyone else getting a mental picture of trained doves being released at halftime during the Army/Navy game?
My grandfather, a former colonel, is probably rolling in his grave at Arlington National Cemetery at the thought of his precious grandchildren being indoctrinated into the namby-pamby techniques of non-violence.
As usual, the so-called progressives want money for this pie-in-the-sky dream. Theyre asking for an amount equal to 2 percent of what we currently allocate for defense to create this monster. Thats right, folks, if these people have their way, for every dollar we spend on the military, two cents will be spent on violence prevention. Like we can really afford to skim a few bucks off the Halliburton contract for that.
If these peacemakers think that three generations of my familys men put their lives on the line just so we could avoid future wars, well, they dont understand what it means to support the red, white and blue.
And even worse, theyre trying to brainwash our kids. In addition to their not-so-subtle international agenda, the Peace Alliance web site openly states that the Department of Peace will teach violence prevention and mediation to Americas school children. Excuse me, but these are my children, all mine, and I dont need somebody else teaching them values. Why would I want an educated professional providing my two daughters instructions on how to mediate with people who arent our kind?
If the government really wants to reduce the likelihood that my family will be affected by violence, they should lower my tax bill so I can afford to move into a gated community.
The bills supporters claim current U.S. policy-making tends toward reactive, not proactive, approaches to violence reduction. And The United States should be as effective in addressing the sources of violence as we are effective in addressing its symptoms.
All I can say is, thank heavens dedicated public servants like Blunt are trying to put a stop to this kind of thinking.
Give peace a chance? Give me break.
Violence is as American as apple pie, and theres no reason to change our ways when things are obviously working out so well for us.
Copyright © 2006 by Lisa Earle McLeod. All Rights reserved.
Lisa Earle McLeod is a nationally recognized speaker and the author of Forget Perfect: Finding Joy, Meaning, and Satisfaction in the Life Youve Already Got and the YOU You Already Are. She has been seen on Good Morning America and featured in Lifetime, Glamour and The New York Times. Contact her at www.ForgetPerfect.com.
EDITOR: You have permission to reprint this edition of Lisa Earle McLeods syndicated newspaper column Forget Perfect, “Politician uncovers peace plot ” by Lisa Earle McLeod electronically or in print, free of charge, without further reprint permission as long as the bylines are included. © Copyright 2006, by Lisa Earle McLeod. All rights reserved. If you’re interested in running Lisa’s syndicated column on a regular basis contact Lisa Earle McLeod at 770-985-0760 or lisa@forgetperfect.com.