

Why All the Weirdness About Money

We’re weird about money.  We want it.  But nobody wants to talk about it. Sometimes – like on a date or at a class reunion – we pretend like we have it, when we don’t. Other times – like when we see a homeless person or our kids whine.

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Why Telling People How to Behave Never Works

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could tell people what to do, and then have them actually do it? How fabulous would it be to simply share your wisdom and watch other people change before your eyes. “Kids, gather round. Nutrition and organizational skills should be at the top.

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Why Staying in the Moment is a Challenge for Everyone

How many times have you been there, but not really been there? You know, when your body is one place, but your brain is somewhere all together different. Like when you’re in a staff meeting, and you’re mentally prepping for the next week. Or you’re playing with your child,.

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Words Are Free But Their Value Is Priceless

Why should I have to tell you that I love you?  I’m married to you, aren’t I? Why should I have to compliment you for doing your job?  I pay you every week. It’s the “I shouldn’t have to tell you – you should just know” phenomenon, and it.

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Can Your Buddy's Brother-In-Law Bring You Down?

What happens if your best friend’s sister gets divorced? Or your office mate’s boyfriend quits smoking? Or your neighbor’s husband loses his job? Does it have any impact on you? The answer is probably yes.  When someone who is one person removed from your inner circle experiences a decline.

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Service, Satisfaction, And Other Legends of Old

Long, long ago in a land far, far away, there existed an ancient practice called customer service. Highly trained tribal leaders were anointed the title of “service reps,” and their role was to assist the befuddled and the bewildered with the purchase and use of goods and services. Legend.

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Why Getting Organized Isn't About the Stuff

What is lack of organization costing you? According to The Wall Street Journal, the average worker wastes about an hour a day looking for missing information in messy desks and files. That’s 20 hours a month, or six working weeks a year lost to disorganization.  Said another way, if.

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How Well Do You Sit With Uncertainty?

How comfortable are you with uncertainty? If you’re like most of us, you probably find it easier to function when things are settled. Here’s a quick quiz to test your tolerance for uncertainty. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means no problem and 5 means my.

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Can Cool Clothes Make You More Successful?

  Do clothes make the man? Or in this case, the woman? We can talk all day about how brains and work ethic are more important than looks and fashion. But humans are visual creatures by nature. Like it or not, we make instant assessments of people based on.

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Why Giving Everybody A Trophy Dumbs Down The Country

You’re sooo special. You’re the best little soccer player out there, and to show you just how special you are, we’re giving you a trophy. Of course, we’re also going to give one to everybody else on the team. It doesn’t matter whether you played or not, whether the.

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