

Cast Your Vote To Help A Kid Who Needs You

Cast Your Vote To Help A Kid Who Needs You By Lisa Earle McLeod Sometimes you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Do you talk about Sanjaya getting voted off “America Idol” and how a couple of weird hairdos can make you a national celebrity? Or do you.

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Nanny Envy: The Secret Shame of Childcare

Nanny Envy: The Secret Shame of Childcare By Lisa Earle McLeod Disgust, envy, fear, passion, money and power. A sordid love triangle?  Kind of.  I’m talking about the relationship between mothers and their child-care providers. It’s a bizarre dynamic. There isn’t a woman alive who doesn’t wish she had.

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Head Judges Boycott Summer Sibling Olympics

Head Judges Boycott Summer Sibling Olympics By Lisa Earle McLeod Ahhh, summer… Relaxation and the chance to bond with the ones you love. After a week at the lake with my siblings, their spouses, our collective kids, and our folks, all I can say is, there’s nothing like some.

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My Super Spoiled Sixteen: TV Doesn't Lie

By Lisa Earle McLeod “This is a total nightmare. The flowers are the wrong shade of papaya, the dwarf missed his entrance cue and now the band’s security detail is blocking my entrance to the stage.” The First Lady sweating the details of this state dinner? A bridezilla agonizing.

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Bed Wrath and Beyond: The Princess and the Peeve

Extra firm. I never dreamed those two little words would cause me to despise my husband, bicker with my parents and spoil countless family vacations. But I’m here to tell you — a bad mattress can ruin your relationships. When my dad first purchased the discount-priced, queen-size mattress for.

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Are Middle-Class Money Mantras Keeping You Poor?

By Lisa Earle McLeod “We’re not made of money, you know.” If I heard it once, I heard it a thousand times. Whether it was Mom explaining why we couldn’t afford designer jeans or Dad lecturing us to turn the lights off, it seemed like we were always worrying.

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Great Expectations Often Blindsided By Dirty Diapers

By Lisa Earle McLeod Remember imagining how idyllic life would be when you had your first baby? Cute little booties, a beautiful nursery filled with plastic duckies and a precious baby clad in a hand-smocked white gown, cooing up at you just like the little cutie on the Pampers.

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Say Good Night if you want to find Mr. Right

By Lisa Earle McLeod Is chastity the hot new dating strategy? The “wait until you know someone before you get naked” approach might not be the rage on college campuses, but an increasing number of relationship gurus are advising women to heed Grandma’s wisdom and make the guy buy.

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French Fries, Feelings And A Failure To Communicate

By Lisa Earle McLeod “But, Moommmmy, you promised!” Once again, I had fallen woefully short of the perfect mother benchmark, and my child was shaming me with my shortcomings. If there’s a parent out there who never disappoints their kid, they must have a way better calendar system than.

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'Tis Better To Be Prepared To Receive

By Lisa Earle McLeod If your daughter needed a kidney, would you give her one of yours? Of course you would. But would you think about how to prepare her spirit to receive it? I recently interviewed John St. Augustine, an author and executive producer for “Oprah and Friends”.

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