

The Hidden Cause of the Congressional Stalemate

There’s a little talked about phenomenon that has been adversely affecting our country’s politics in ways that most people don’t even realize. It’s the way the Congressional Calendar changed where Congresspeople live, thereby eroding the social structure that used to grease the wheels of politics. I grew in Arlington.

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Why Bosses And Teachers Have So Much Power Over Families

We talk about you at dinner. Almost every night, our spouse or child gives us a recap of your day. We hear about your moods, what you said or did, sometimes, we even hear about your wardrobe and facial expressions. It’s probably not fair, but if you’re a boss.

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3 Big Fears

Humans are complicated. We have physical fears, like being afraid of fire ants or going bungee jumping. We may over exaggerate these fears, but they’re based on a semi logical understanding of risks. But then there are our emotional fears; this is where logic leaves the party. Emotional fears.

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Why the Boss/Employee Relationship Still Matters

How many bosses have made a difference in your life? You probably remember your very best, and your very worst, bosses. What was the difference between the two? It’s interesting, when asked what makes a good manager people often cite intellect and job skills. Yet when people are asked.

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Why Most Bosses Are Self-Absorbed and How Not To Be a Jerk

Who was the best boss you ever had? What made him or her so good? Popeye’s CEO Cheryl Bachelder likes to pose that question. In a recent interview Bachelder said, “I started to wonder what it would be like if you led the way you want to be led, if.

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Why Compromise Never Works (and What to Do Instead)

What if everything you thought you knew about compromise was wrong? We’ve long been told that “good” people to meet in the middle. Refusal to compromise is widely considered to be the root cause of political polarization, business battles, and divorce wars.  But refusal to compromise isn’t actually the.

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Are You Listening to The Wrong Feedback?

All feedback is not valid. A big problem with feedback is that we often listen to the wrong sources. For example, my friend Julie felt called to make handmade cards. From an early age she crafted masterpieces. She spent hours on each card; they were true works of art. By.

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Why Understanding the Back Story Helps You Solve the Problem

Whose photo would you rather see on the news, the killer or the hero? Should we be deconstructing the life of a murderer? Or honoring the lives of the heroes? In the aftermath of the Boston bombings many have suggested that the media attention paid to the killers is.

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3 Things Successful, Happy People do Differently

I have a ringside seat to the success and failures of others. As an executive coach, I share in the triumphs and challenges of my clients. One of things I’m really good at is spotting patterns. There are distinct differences between the ways successful happy people approach life versus.

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Are Your Metaphors Ruining Your Relationships?

I admit it; I’m a language junkie. I believe that words matter. I was recently in a business situation that revealed how much our word choice can affect our relationships. A major manufacturing company was choosing a consultant to help them revamp their sales strategy and develop their sales.

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