

What to Do When Someone Takes Credit for Your Work

You brought up a great idea in a meeting, and the team ran with it…they ran so far, in fact, the idea is no longer yours. It’s now a ‘team effort.’ Or maybe you offered your boss a keen insight, one they took right to the executive team, proudly.

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The Traps of High Achievers: 4 Things that Hold Even the Most Ambitious People Back

I’ve seen incredibly talented people not get the job, miss the promotion, or even lose business to a less skilled competitor. You probably have too, or maybe you’ve even been one of them yourself. It’s not that these high achievers aren’t motivated or talented enough; it’s that they succumbed.

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The Moment I Decided I Was in Love with Capitalism

I was in China a few years ago with my oldest daughter.  We were slightly off the beaten path walking through a village situated amongst several canals. Keep in mind China is only recently emerging from being a third world country.  The canals were beautiful, but they weren’t like.

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