A teammate is underperforming. Firing seems premature, but at the same time, this problem just can’t wait. Enter: The PIP (performance-improvement plan). A by-the-book, formalized roadmap designed to help struggling employees shore up weaknesses, hit benchmarks, and evolve into A-tier teammates. Well…that’s what PIPs started as. This practice likely.
[Read More]As organizations rush to make up for unprecedented declines in revenue during the pandemic, they’re keenly focused on shoring up their sales pipeline. Yet in their haste, businesses are at risk for alienating the very customers they need if their sales team takes the wrong approach. Here are three.
[Read More]He’s horrible; send him to training. How many times have you watched this scenario play out? An employee is performing poorly. Management gets frustrated. They decide to send the person to training. Clearly his behavior must be improved. Sending someone to training is certainly more humane than firing the.
[Read More]Have you heard about the fast growth Houston, Texas company that had their core values etched in stone in their lobby? Integrity was at the top. Still struggling to remember? They became really famous. It was Enron. Epic level value failures like Enron show up frequently in the news..
[Read More]Humans have been called the comparing creatures. Our brains are hardwired to compare ourselves to others, and assess how we stack up. It’s how the human race evolves. We build on the accomplishments of others. Can you imagine one lioness looking at another lioness wondering, “How does she get.
[Read More]What are you going to accomplish this year? Or perhaps at this point, a better question might be, what were you going to accomplish? Have you already given up that plan to lose ten pounds? Is making a million still on the table? If you’re like most people, you.
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