“No worries!” you politely replied, when in fact, this has caused you many worries. “Feeling good!” you forced, when in fact, you felt awful. “We can rally!” you cheered to the team, when in fact, you knew that things didn’t look good. Maybe you’ve done this; Carefully picking and.
[Read More]The first time I heard the song I kind of liked it, until I really listened, then I despised it. The twangy country ballad about a son discovering how much his late father loved him, spoke to people. Randy Travis sang, “We all thought his heart was made of.
[Read More]Which is more important, systems or emotion? Recently, I was working with the senior team of a mid-size firm that was struggling. They wanted to stand out, but they were often regarded as a transactional non-differentiated organization. Their processes needed improvement. Worked bogged down in various places inside the.
[Read More]Welcome to the new normal. We’re adding jobs daily, but most people are still miserable at work. Workplace study data confirms what leaders are experiencing: work is harder, over half of all employees are disengaged and many people actively hate their jobs. In the old days leaders could rally.
[Read More]Do you make big decisions using logic, or emotion? We’ve been taught not to let emotions cloud our decision-making. But there’s a big difference between making an emotional decision and making a rash decision. As humans, it’s impossible to strip emotion from our decision-making. Nor would you want to..
[Read More]“Buck up. Quit being so emotional.” If you haven’t heard it, you may have said it. We’ve long been taught that emotions are a source of weakness. Getting emotional is often perceived as an indicator we’re not in control. But what if we’ve been thinking about this all wrong?.
[Read More]Companies want customers to love them. Bosses want people to love their jobs. Yet many leaders will tell you, emotion has no place in business. This is cognitive dissonance at best, dangerous at worst. Let’s start with the cognitive dissonance. To think you can strip emotion out of the.
[Read More]When was the last time you felt inspired? What made you feel that way? If you’re like most humans, inspiration requires an intense level of emotion. Research tells us if we want people to act, we have to appeal to their emotions. Neuroscientist Paul Zak researched the physiological impact.
[Read More]In our click, tweet, screen culture, it’s easy to say that we’ve become dehumanized. For many organizations, customers and people are treated like a number in the virtual queue. The problem is not the technology. One need look no further than Facebook to see how the right technology can.
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