For much of the pandemic, tech firms were able to fend off the Great Resignation. Tech companies were quick to embrace virtual work, capitalize on opportunities in rapidly changing markets, and shower their employees with lavish perks. But the ground that technology companies gained in the talent landscape is.
[Read More]I’ve been writing a weekly article for over a decade. This practice has served as an avenue of exploration, a chance to reflect on the state of the world, and an opportunity to connect with all of you. It gives me a chance to see which ideas people find.
[Read More]You did everything you were supposed to do. Meeting deadlines, managing deliverables, winning over your manager and leaving a trail of ‘exceeds expectations’ throughout your performance reviews. But you’re still not where you want to be. It has happened to me. And it’s happened to every single executive I’ve.
[Read More]Traditional thinking tells us people don’t like change. But if that were true, no one would ever get married or have a baby. Or move, or go to college, or change jobs, or the myriad of other changes we humans regularly impose on ourselves. People make huge sweeping changes.
[Read More]Imagine two new employees. We’ll call them Stan and Bill. Stan and Bill are both starting in new jobs at two different banks. The two banks are competitors and sit directly across the street from each other. Stan and Bill are both part of a group of new hires.
[Read More]We all know turnover is costly. But the costs extend far beyond having to rehire. When you factor in leadership time, loss of momentum, and customer retention, the dollars rise and the impact expands. We also know the younger generation, millennials, change jobs at more than three times the.
[Read More]There it is, the resignation letter. You’ve spent time hiring, training, and getting this employee up to speed, and now they’re leaving you. Perhaps they’re going to the competition, switching industries, or launching their own firm. Or maybe they’ve decided to be a poet and travel the world. No.
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