Do you get you ever get unsolicited advice? Is your boss a nitpick on every little thing? Does your unemployed nosy neighbor know precisely why you aren’t getting promoted? Some feedback is valuable, and other feedback is just a distraction. Feedback overload is increasingly common. We’re asked to rate.
[Read More]Done well, 1-1 meetings can have a major impact on your work product, career trajectory, and overall happiness at work. Yet too often, 1-1 conversations are rushed, overly focused on deliverables-du-jour, or at worst, get postponed until there is “more space in the calendar.” Whether you’re the boss or.
[Read More]Whether your feedback is positive or constructive, giving feedback is an opportunity to make a difference in your organization and build deeper relationships with the people we work with. Yet, too often, we fire off a “good job!” email or “could be better” comment without taking a minute to.
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