

What Feedback is Worth Listening to?

Do you get you ever get unsolicited advice? Is your boss a nitpick on every little thing? Does your unemployed nosy neighbor know precisely why you aren’t getting promoted? Some feedback is valuable, and other feedback is just a distraction. Feedback overload is increasingly common. We’re asked to rate.

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4 Tips to Make the Most of Your 1-1

Done well, 1-1 meetings can have a major impact on your work product, career trajectory, and overall happiness at work. Yet too often, 1-1 conversations are rushed, overly focused on deliverables-du-jour, or at worst, get postponed until there is “more space in the calendar.” Whether you’re the boss or.

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How to Give Feedback that Sticks

Whether your feedback is positive or constructive, giving feedback is an opportunity to make a difference in your organization and build deeper relationships with the people we work with. Yet, too often, we fire off a “good job!” email or “could be better” comment without taking a minute to.

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How to Give Great Feedback In a Virtual (And Uncertain) World

If you’re a leader, you’re a lifeline. Like it or not, you’re one of the most important people in the daily life of your team. When people are working remotely, the words of the leader have outsized impact. In a tome of uncertainty, your ability to give high quality.

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