
sales meetings

How to Have A Better SKO

“This could have been an email” It’s the ultimate critique of a meeting. It’s bad enough when someone says it, or more likely, texts it to their colleague during a routine presentation. But it’s worse when it happens at an important event like your annual Sales Kick Off (SKO)..

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Speaking Up at Work: Grow Your Confidence with These 3 Tips

I started my career as a wide-eyed Procter & Gamble sales rep. When it came time to attend my first sales meeting, I was equal parts nervous and excited. Our meeting kicked off with the head of customer experience for a big retail grocery chain, talking about how they.

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5 Ways Leaders (Unknowingly) Sabotage The Sales KickOff

You’ve got a big number to hit.  It’s time to rally the troops.  You bring your sales team together for the sales kickoff meeting.  It’s big.  It’s expensive, and the logistics rival a space launch. But, sadly, for many companies the annual meeting is a rinse and repeat exercise.

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