
Sales Tips

How to Have A Better SKO

“This could have been an email” It’s the ultimate critique of a meeting. It’s bad enough when someone says it, or more likely, texts it to their colleague during a routine presentation. But it’s worse when it happens at an important event like your annual Sales Kick Off (SKO)..

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5 (Well-Intended) Sales Behaviors That Erode Your Business

I’ve long said: Sales makes the wheels of commerce spin. Whether you’re a solopreneur or leading a multinational team, the ability to sell keeps your business moving. As we enter (what seems to be) a period of economic uncertainty, organizational leaders and salespeople become anxious about keeping revenue flowing. .

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Are you stuck in 1985?

“I’ve sat through the same sales meeting since June 20th 1985.” When our client, the EVP of a large commercial bank, dropped this statement, it got me thinking. How many communication norms from 30 or 40 years ago are still in place today simply because no one recognized how.

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The Great Sales Disconnect: Why We’re Weird About Salespeople

Houston, we have a problem. It’s not as dramatic as an out of control space capsule hurtling towards death. But it does cause many people to abort what could have been a successful mission. It’s a business problem. It’s the disconnect between the word sales and the word salesperson. People.

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