

What the Most Successful People Do Differently

Think about the people you admire most. What do they have in common? Have they achieved a certain level of economic or social success? Perhaps you admire their values, like their stick-with-it attitude or creativity. Maybe it shows up in personal ways, like someone who always shows up with.

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Saving Your Soul: How to Set (And Keep) Boundaries at Work

New year, same zoom meeting. I doubt I’m the only one who feels at less than full throttle walking into 2022. In fact, I know I’m not. LinkedIn is filled with stories about burnout, Omicron, and the Great Resignation (or the Great Reshuffle, for the optimists). For a lot.

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3 Hidden Habits that Might Be Eroding Your Reputation at Work

You did everything you were supposed to do. Meeting deadlines, managing deliverables, winning over your manager and leaving a trail of ‘exceeds expectations’ throughout your performance reviews. But you’re still not where you want to be. It has happened to me. And it’s happened to every single executive I’ve.

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The Traps of High Achievers: 4 Things that Hold Even the Most Ambitious People Back

I’ve seen incredibly talented people not get the job, miss the promotion, or even lose business to a less skilled competitor. You probably have too, or maybe you’ve even been one of them yourself. It’s not that these high achievers aren’t motivated or talented enough; it’s that they succumbed.

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How to Climb the Ladder, Even When the Ground is Shaky

As we approach what is typically “performance review season” many high performers are faced with two seemingly competing inner voices: I should be grateful I even have a job I still want to climb the ladder It’s not a false dichotomy. You should be grateful. And you should also.

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How to Navigate Career Changes with Confidence

A pandemic, an economic downturn, and a reassessment of what really matters to us is resulting in a massive shifting of careers. Many are using this pandemic as an opportunity to pivot industries, learn new skills, or even start a business. Whether a big career change is by your.

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What’s More Important, Depth of Knowledge or Breadth of Knowledge?

Do experts do better in life? Consider two young professionals: Person 1 started coding in 8th grade. In college, they exempted all their general studies courses because of high school credits. In their single-minded pursuit of obtaining a great job, they went directly into a computer science major, completing.

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Why We Break Our Resolutions

Already broke your resolution? You’re not alone. Resolutions are always more fun to make than they are to execute. The same is true with most change. We create these grand plans as our most aspirational selves. Yet when it comes time to go to the gym, be more focused.

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Is Your Brain a House of Cards?

What are your loadbearing neural pathways? In construction, a loadbearing wall is vital to supporting the structure.  A loadbearing neural pathway is much the same.  It’s a belief that supports a hundred other beliefs.  For example, I have a friend who was once highly engaged in a strict religious.

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Are You Wearing Yourself Out in Your Own Business?

If you’re an entrepreneur, odds are, you’re tired. People often become entrepreneurs because they want more freedom. Yet in the quest to make money, many entrepreneurs work longer hours and treat themselves worse than any boss would. As both the doer and the supervisor, the entrepreneur gets two jobs,.

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