

How to Make Your Workplace More Compassionate

For decades, leaders and teammates were told to “leave emotions out of it.” That’s terrible advice. Business is a human endeavor, and humans are emotional. It’s our superpower. According to HBR, “In a landmark study analyzing more than 3,500 business units with more than 50,000 individuals, researchers found that acts of.

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How to Have a Better Relationship with Your Boss

Having a great boss can be transformational. Having a terrible boss can be soul-sucking. When it comes to the boss-employee relationship, most people fall somewhere between. Improving the relationship with your boss has a positive impact on your work and your life overall. Much of the power lies in your hands;.

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What to Say and Do When Something Horrible Happens

“We don’t want to make things worse.” When my neighbor’s high school age daughter died of cancer, it was horrible.  No one knew what to say or do.  A group of us decided to take food over before the funeral, but everyone was afraid to be the person who.

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