
Why Your Positive Feedback isn’t working

“Good job!” When her boss said it, Susan was delighted to hear the words out lout.  She had worked late to complete paperwork for a client. The fact that he said it in front of the team made it even better.  She was happy her boss had noticed. But.

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Is Your Onboarding Program Killing Enthusiasm?

Do you remember your first day of your current job? What was it like? As organizational tenure declines, the gig economy ramps up, and an entire new generation enters the workforce, the task of “getting new people up to speed” has become increasingly challenging. While the foundational elements of.

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The Purpose Backlash

Lately, all the cool kids have purpose. Progressive companies tout their purpose on their website, and CEOs talk about the greater good impact their business has on their customers and the world. The question is: How does an aspirational purpose stand up to the demands of daily business? For.

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The Mean Voice in Your Head is Not Yours

We all have an internal talk track. What we often fail to recognize is, the words fueling our internal dialogue didn’t originate with us. When you step into a high stakes situation, what’s going on inside your head? Any of these sound familiar? Nobody likes a show-off. Who do.

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What People Really Think When the Boss Starts Talking

When the leader speaks, what is the team thinking? Think about your own mental talk track, what are you thinking about when someone of importance is speaking? When the boss stands in front of the team to lay out strategy or report results, the listeners process the information on.

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Are you stuck in 1985?

“I’ve sat through the same sales meeting since June 20th 1985.” When our client, the EVP of a large commercial bank, dropped this statement, it got me thinking. How many communication norms from 30 or 40 years ago are still in place today simply because no one recognized how.

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The Decisions You Don’t Know You’re Making

Do you make your decisions by design, or by default? Your life is the sum of your decisions. A business is created by the decisions the leaders make or don’t make. A family exists and operates because of decisions. One of the biggest challenges with decision-making, is not the.

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How to Scale Your Culture (if it’s good)

When they were only ten people, they didn’t give much thought to how they shared beliefs. They didn’t need to. It was obvious; their product was going to revolutionize the industry. They were on fire. They were going to change the way people did business. They talked about it.

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Why Being on Time is a Big Deal

How long is 5 minutes? It depends.  If you’re the one rushing to make a meeting, 5 minutes flies by.  If you’re the one who showed up on time, and you’re waiting for someone else to arrive, 5 minutes is a really long time. Every organization has timeliness standards..

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What to Say and Do When Something Horrible Happens

“We don’t want to make things worse.” When my neighbor’s high school age daughter died of cancer, it was horrible.  No one knew what to say or do.  A group of us decided to take food over before the funeral, but everyone was afraid to be the person who.

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