
Noble Purpose Newsletter

Do Your Customers Love You Forever, or Just for Now?

It’s the holy grail of business. It’s a forever customer, someone so loyal to you they never want to leave. These are the customers who sing your praises to others. They stick with you during a tough time because they consider your offering so essential, they never cancel. Customer.

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How to Get Stronger During a Crisis

What happens when the money spigot is turned off? I’m observing two very different scenarios playing out. When people believe their only purpose in life is to make and produce money, the moment their money is threatened, it rips the rug right out from under them. An organization who defines.

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How to Make Decisions in a Crisis

“In every deliberation, we must consider the impact on the seventh generation… even if it requires having skin as thick as the bark of a pine.” The “7th generation principle: comes from the Native American culture, where it was used to make decisions large and small.  Putting yourself in the position of future generations provides a.

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Quarantined 30 Years Ago

The first time I was quarantined, I was fifteen years old and my six-year-old brother had died. My brother became very ill overnight; when my mother checked on him in the predawn hours, she realized something was seriously wrong.  My parents raced him to the hospital. They didn’t make.

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Four Ways Leaders Can Infuse More Meaning Into the Workplace

The words of the leader have an outsize impact on the team.  Words create worlds. If you’re a leader, your words tell your people how they should feel about your organization. I use the word “feel” very intentionally here. The most effective leaders use their time with their teams.

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How to Keep Your Head When Others are Panicking

The future is always uncertain. On some days this reality is more present than others. You’re coasting along, thinking you’re in control. Then bam, outside events remind you, there are no guarantees when it comes to your money or even your health. Like most people, I well remember the.

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Why Fear-Based Leadership Fails

When I was a young manager I had an experience that forever altered my perspective of what it means to be a leader. Six months into my tenure as a sales manager, we got a new “big boss” who came to town to make sales calls with us. To.

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Five New Questions You Should Be Asking in Interviews

What do you look for in a leader? If you’re like most people, it’s a combination of what you value, what you’ve seen work in the past, and a dash of socialization. By socialization I mean, the influence of your family, your community and even pop culture. Whether it’s.

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Are Your Metrics Eroding Trust?

How do you create excellence?  Many organizations assume: if we broadcast the metrics and hold people accountable, performance will improve.  This assumption is wrong.  Too often, the system’s leadership designs to improve performance wind up eroding trust and morale, the very things required for high performance. Let’s look at.

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Why Small Talk Has Big Implications for Wellbeing

In our always busy, always on, task-driven world, small talk is often deemed perfunctory, or even unproductive. At work, at home, and in our communities, these little chats are no longer in vogue. It happened by accident. No one (at least not me) woke up and thought, you know.

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