
Noble Purpose Newsletter

Leadership: What People Really Want From Their Boss

A recent Forbes article revealed that 65% percent of people would rather have a different boss than a raise. Take that in for a moment: People would trade money for a better boss. Words of leadership wisdom When I was 25 years old, my father shared something with me.

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Motivating Cavemen: Prehistoric Drivers in the Modern World

When are you the most motivated?  Chasing a huge opportunity?  Or trying to avoid a major problem? Human motivation tends to boil down to two things: a desire for reward or fear of consequences.  We call it the light of the solution vs. the heat of the problem. Unfortunately.

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Lack of Noble Purpose: The Root Cause Behind TD Bank & Wells Fargo Customer Deception

It’s easy to identify organizations that lack a Noble Purpose. Stories inside the walls of Wells Fargo and TD Bank reveal the depths of customer deception and how an emphasis on sales and numbers can steer an organization in a certain direction. Let’s look at the TD Bank group.

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Sapiens: Why human success depends on our story

What if the ability to tell a good story made the difference between life and death of your entire species? It does. Most evolution drawings depict our species going from knuckle-dragging ape to hunched-over caveman to walking erect homo sapien.  Recent evidence indicates the journey was less linear, and.

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If You’re Unhappy, Quit Before You Get Fired

Do people with a bad attitude get you down?   Of course they do. Humans respond to each other’s feelings in conscious and unconscious ways.   People respond to your attitude whether you express it with words or not. If you have a bad attitude in the workplace, everyone.

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The Smile and Play Along Syndrome

Can you tell when someone’s sucking up to you? We’ve all been in situations where someone is obviously sucking up to the boss, yet the boss doesn’t see it. How could they be so oblivious to something so obvious? If you’ve ever been a boss yourself, you might have.

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A Love Letter for America: Please Come Home

Are you as frustrated with politics as I am?  As a nation, we’re more divided and mistrustful of each other than I’ve ever seen in my adult lifetime. I’m going to go ahead and say it: I want to fall back in love with my country. I confess I’m.

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Ignoring Data is Essential for Optimism

My daughter recently got married. In the weeks leading up to the wedding, I realized the act of getting married is profoundly optimistic. We’re all well-acquainted with the 50% divorce rate. Yet every day, we humans look these odds in the face, and say, we’re doing it anyway. As.

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Gratitude is a Gateway Drug

When was the last time you felt sorry for yourself? How about annoyed? Think about the last time you felt low, for whatever reason. What thoughts were going through your head?   If you examine your mental talk track during low periods, you’ll likely find one common theme: An.

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Why a Good Apology Requires Wading in The Muck

A good apology is a rare and treasured gift. It’s a treasure for both the giver and the receiver because a true apology includes a transformational moment of empathy. Consider this common workplace challenge: Someone takes credit for your idea at a meeting.  They realize it afterwards, or someone.

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