
Personal Development

The Biggest Difference between Success and Mediocrity for Teachers and Leaders

Do you remember your most horrible teacher? What about your worst boss?  You can probably still hear their words in your head. I have vivid memories of my sixth grade teacher, whom I shall not name, peering over her glasses at me, rolling her eyes, and uttering her familiar.

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Why Employees Just Don’t Care, and What the Boss Can Do About It

I frequently hear leaders complain that their employees just don’t care anymore. Lack of employee engagement has reached epidemic proportions. A May 2014 New York Times article titled, “Why you hate work” was the single most emailed article for an entire week. The article revealed that in a 2013.

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The Real Driver of Great Innovation via Alexander Graham Bell and Pharrell Williams

Does innovation come from within, or is it driven by outside forces? We often think of innovation as a random stroke of genius, a spark of creativity ignited by a great mind. But some of our most notable innovations have actually been the result of people who dedicated themselves.

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Why Words Matter and How to Choose the Right Ones

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Whoever said that probably never had a parent call them stupid.  They probably also never knew the pain of having their boss denounce them as a “low potential” As a writer and speaker, I’ve long appreciated.

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The Grim Satisfaction of the Subtle Skeptic

They’re the subtle skeptics.  They don’t openly oppose things.  Instead they stand on the sideline judging and evaluating before they decide whether or not to participate. For example, imagine two people who both pay $1,500 to attend a seminar.  The enthusiastic engager says, “I’m going to make sure I.

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How to Reinvent Yourself When Life Doesn’t Turn Out the Way You Planned

We’ve all been there, or at least many of us have. You have a foolproof business plan; you put in the time, money and mountain of work to make it successful.  Yet somehow, it stills fails.  Or perhaps you’re on track for a big promotion, and it goes to.

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Why We Wish Away Happiness

What’s keeping you from happiness? If you’re like most people you can list the obstacles standing between you and bliss. We all want to be happy. When we’re not, we’re often quick to point to reasons outside of our control. “I can’t be happy because I had bad parents,”.

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Managing the Monkeys in the Middle of Management

Does your boss ever remind you of an ape? Snorting around, grunting orders, lurching through the office with his knuckles dragging the ground, beating his chest and growling every five minutes just to prove that he’s Chief Chimp in Charge. Gorilla bosses have more in common with their grub-eating.

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Why Lack of Managerial Courage Ruins Everything

How many times have you been in a situation, where you knew things were going to go badly, yet no one had the guts to tell the person in charge? It’s the elephant in the room. Everyone can hear it bellowing, except the boss. I was recently working with.

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Are Your Greatest Strengths Holding You Back?

I like to talk. A lot. My talkativeness has won me business, forged friendships, and been the bedrock of my career. My talkativeness has also made me overbearing, ruined relationships, and been my Achilles heel in almost every role I’ve played. As with most people, my greatest strengths are.

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