
Personal Development

Why Most Bosses Are Self-Absorbed and How Not To Be a Jerk

Who was the best boss you ever had? What made him or her so good? Popeye’s CEO Cheryl Bachelder likes to pose that question. In a recent interview Bachelder said, “I started to wonder what it would be like if you led the way you want to be led, if.

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Are You Listening to The Wrong Feedback?

All feedback is not valid. A big problem with feedback is that we often listen to the wrong sources. For example, my friend Julie felt called to make handmade cards. From an early age she crafted masterpieces. She spent hours on each card; they were true works of art. By.

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Why Understanding the Back Story Helps You Solve the Problem

Whose photo would you rather see on the news, the killer or the hero? Should we be deconstructing the life of a murderer? Or honoring the lives of the heroes? In the aftermath of the Boston bombings many have suggested that the media attention paid to the killers is.

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3 Things Successful, Happy People do Differently

I have a ringside seat to the success and failures of others. As an executive coach, I share in the triumphs and challenges of my clients. One of things I’m really good at is spotting patterns. There are distinct differences between the ways successful happy people approach life versus.

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Are Your Metaphors Ruining Your Relationships?

I admit it; I’m a language junkie. I believe that words matter. I was recently in a business situation that revealed how much our word choice can affect our relationships. A major manufacturing company was choosing a consultant to help them revamp their sales strategy and develop their sales.

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Who Are You Letting Into Your Head?

Have you ever been infuriated by someone’s Facebook post? You’re not alone. One minute you’re mindlessly trolling pictures of your high school girlfriend’s nephew’s graduation, the next minute, someone’s political post makes your head spin. How could they possibly be so misinformed? Wrong question. The right question is, Why did.

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Reinventing You: Why Defining Your “Brand” Matters

Do you have a brand? The answer is yes. It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you do for a living, you have a brand. Your brand is your reputation and it affects almost every aspect of your life. Branding expert Dorie Clark says, “Everyone has a personal.

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Are You Trying to Make the Wrong Decision

Do you worry about decisions that you don’t have to make yet? I call them the decisions after the decision. Worrying about them will totally derail you. A client of mine was interviewing for a big promotion. She was excited. On paper it looked like a great opportunity for.

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5 Ways to Stay Focused During Times of Uncertainty

Do you know exactly where you going to be a year from now? How about two years from now?

If you think you know exactly what the future holds for you, you’re wrong.

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How To Avoid The Fatal Mistake About Money

Consumer confidence is up. Black Friday sales hit a high.  The housing market is rebounding.  You’re finally seeing dollar signs. This is going to be your year. You’re going to get a raise, recoup your savings, build up your business. But those dollar signs in your eyes could become.

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