By Lisa Earle McLeod “But, Moommmmy, you promised!” Once again, I had fallen woefully short of the perfect mother benchmark, and my child was shaming me with my shortcomings. If there’s a parent out there who never disappoints their kid, they must have a way better calendar system than.
[Read More]By Lisa Earle McLeod Is Santa is the only man on the planet with a holiday to-do list? I could go on a nice, long rant about how all us poor, beleaguered women are once again solely responsible for manufacturing every spark of the holiday magic. All the while,.
[Read More]By Lisa Earle McLeod If your daughter needed a kidney, would you give her one of yours? Of course you would. But would you think about how to prepare her spirit to receive it? I recently interviewed John St. Augustine, an author and executive producer for “Oprah and Friends”.
[Read More]June 6, 1985. My mother circled the date on the calendar, informing me that from that moment forward, I would no longer be on her payroll. It was the fall of 1981 and, after getting me settled into my freshman dorm at the University of Georgia, my mother marched.
[Read More]FORGIVENESS: ANTIDOTE OR ABSOLUTION? By Lisa Earle McLeod “I can never forgive him.” How many times have you heard that? We all want our own mistakes to be forgiven. But how many of us truly want to forgive? Especially on the big stuff? Every time I write about forgiveness,.
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