
Innovation & Change

How To Avoid The Fatal Mistake About Money

Consumer confidence is up. Black Friday sales hit a high.  The housing market is rebounding.  You’re finally seeing dollar signs. This is going to be your year. You’re going to get a raise, recoup your savings, build up your business. But those dollar signs in your eyes could become.

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Why Adults Whine and How to Stop Them

Nobody likes a whiner. We may cast judgmental eye rolls when we witness kids whining in public, “I waaant my juice pop now!,” but in my experience, adults are way worse whiners than kids.

Kids are up front about their whining. Adults, however, often try to crowbar.

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4 Reasons The World Is Not As Bad As You Think

Do you ever feel like the world is going in the wrong direction? War, strife, poverty, and pettiness abound. It’s easy to think that humanity is going from bad to worse. But if you take a long view of human history, things are improving at a rapid rate. Consider.

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Why We Put Happiness On Hold (And How To Stop Doing That)

Do you suffer from the “When . . .” syndrome? When I get a promotion, I’ll be happy. When I lose weight, I’ll start going to pool parties. When things calm down, I’ll learn to relax. Or maybe you suffer from the ‘If. . . s” If we had.

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The Big Mistake We Make About Internal Motivation

One of the big mistakes that people (including me) make in business and life is to assume that we understand other people’s internal motivation. What makes this problem even worse is that we usually do it subconsciously. Several years ago my sales partner and I were trying to sell.

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10 Great Questions to Ask Your Client, Friend or Spouse

We’re all looking for the magic bullet, the secret words to make our spouse melt, our co-worker cooperate and our customer giggle with glee as they sign on the dotted line. But after twenty years spent coaching executives and sales leaders, I’ve come to realize that the secret statement.

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Do You Ever Wish You Could Get Other People To Change?

Who hasn’t wished that their boss, spouse or in-laws would change? We’d love to possess a magic change potion we could give the offender to help them see the error of their ways. We delude ourselves into believing that our desire is not for our benefit.  Oh no, it’s.

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I knew it. I knew it.

How many times have you ignored your own gut instincts? You go forward with something even though a niggling little part of your brain is telling you that something is wrong. Then when things do go wrong, as your subconscious knew it would, the full force of your entire.

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How I reframed paying my taxes: Why self talk matters

Do you like paying taxes? I own my own business, which means I write quarterly checks for my taxes. I confess, in the past I didn’t enjoy paying them. We have a meeting every Friday afternoon to go over the cash flow, the receivables and the projected revenues.  At.

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How to Get Things Done: Separate Your Work Modes

Do you struggle to get things done? Be honest. We all procrastinate.  Whether it’s putting off the challenging phone call or trolling Facebook when we should be writing a proposal, we all avoid certain tasks. For me, it’s writing. I’ll call every client and send every email I possibly.

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