
Innovation & Change

How to Make Your Home Office Feel Less Blah: 4 Tips for Creating an Inspiring Space

My home office is a small study directly off of my bedroom. When I traveled a lot, I used to love coming home to my cozy, intimate office. It was set up exactly the way I like it, beautiful desk, great view, even scented candles. But after 15 plus.

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Overcoming Change Exhaustion: 3 Tips to Reclaim Your Enthusiasm

The prevailing belief is that people don’t like change. If that were true, no one would ever get married or have a baby. Here’s what is actually true: Human beings are ok with change (sometimes)… when we are prepared for it, in control of it, and see a win.

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Making Bold Decisions: How to Let Go of Sunk Costs

“We’ve already spent the money.” This single phrase is responsible for more bad decisions than almost any other. Whether it’s millions on an IT project or $100 for concert tickets, once we part with cash, we become invested in sticking with our decision. Several years ago, I ordered a.

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The Power of Focus: How to Make Your Mind Less Distractible

I signed up for the online course weeks in advance. When I submitted my credit card I was excited to be making an investment in myself. The day of the course, I logged in on time. I’d cleared my calendar and was looking forward to the program. The facilitator.

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How to Start Strong with a New Boss

The talent landscape is in a major flux; niche industries are growing rapidly, people are changing jobs, and many companies are going through re-orgs. Getting a new boss, even if you’re not in a new role, can be a nerve-racking experience. You want to make a good impression and.

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How to Get Over Your Weirdness About Making Money

People often assume that because I talk about Noble Purpose, I don’t care about money. Nothing could be further from the truth. I care very deeply about money, because I understand the impact it has on our lives.  Backstory: I’ve been broke – like bankruptcy level broke – so.

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4 Signs of a Toxic (Remote) Culture

The traditional signs of a toxic in-person culture are fairly obvious: long faces, snide remarks, groups of people huddled around the water cooler, who immediately stop speaking when the boss walks in. In the current virtual world, toxicity is harder to pick up on. It sits beneath the surface.

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How to Rebuild Relationships after a Long Pause

“So, how’ve you been?!” You search for the words. Between unrelenting work chaos, managing virtual school, and the constant anxiety of dealing with a pandemic, it’s hard to know how to respond to a well-intended reach out like this. “Uh, we’re hanging in there! Crazy time right!?” You awkwardly.

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Overcoming the Drain of Emotional Acting

“No worries!” you politely replied, when in fact, this has caused you many worries. “Feeling good!” you forced, when in fact, you felt awful. “We can rally!” you cheered to the team, when in fact, you knew that things didn’t look good. Maybe you’ve done this; Carefully picking and.

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Leading Up: How High Performers Manage Their Bosses

I recently reconnected with some of my old college friends. Like many reminiscing conversations, we laughed about cramming for finals, gross frat parties, and some of our more memorable professors. We look back fondly on that period of our lives, in our early twenties, when our heads were filled with.

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