

Are you stuck in 1985?

“I’ve sat through the same sales meeting since June 20th 1985.” When our client, the EVP of a large commercial bank, dropped this statement, it got me thinking. How many communication norms from 30 or 40 years ago are still in place today simply because no one recognized how.

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The Decisions You Don’t Know You’re Making

Do you make your decisions by design, or by default? Your life is the sum of your decisions. A business is created by the decisions the leaders make or don’t make. A family exists and operates because of decisions. One of the biggest challenges with decision-making, is not the.

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How to Scale Your Culture (if it’s good)

When they were only ten people, they didn’t give much thought to how they shared beliefs. They didn’t need to. It was obvious; their product was going to revolutionize the industry. They were on fire. They were going to change the way people did business. They talked about it.

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Why Being on Time is a Big Deal

How long is 5 minutes? It depends.  If you’re the one rushing to make a meeting, 5 minutes flies by.  If you’re the one who showed up on time, and you’re waiting for someone else to arrive, 5 minutes is a really long time. Every organization has timeliness standards..

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The Purpose Profit Connection (and why most companies get it wrong)

Every leader knows teamwork is essential. Yet after working with hundreds of organizations, I can confirm, much of the time and money spent on team building is a complete waste. Meaningless jargon, adjective-heavy iterations of strategy, and PowerPoint graphics detailing the organizations’ commitment to respect have little impact on.

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Define Yourself Quickly, Before People Assume the Worst

There’s a moment of suspended animation for any leader.  It’s the time between when you’re called to leadership and when you actually assume the mantle of responsibility.  It’s a crucial time, because people are deciding who you are and what you stand for before you even show up for.

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How Tinkerbell and NASA Get Tough Stuff Done

Have you ever seen Tinkerbell fly through the air at Disney?  It’s magical, as she flies through the sky from the top of Cinderella’s castle, it appears effortless. But of course it’s not. Tinkerbell’s magical flight is the result of some genius cross-departmental tension. At Disney, two of their.

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When To Negotiate and When To Let It Go

You don’t get what you deserve; you get what you negotiate.  It was the title of a popular negotiating course in the 80’s and 90’s. In one sense, it’s true.  If you don’t ask for what you want, you’re unlikely to get it. The flip side is negotiating for.

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Why Your Problem Person is Still a Problem

He’s horrible; send him to training. How many times have you watched this scenario play out?  An employee is performing poorly.  Management gets frustrated.  They decide to send the person to training.  Clearly his behavior must be improved. Sending someone to training is certainly more humane than firing the.

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How to Sell Your Expertise to Powerful People

Do you ever have to sell yourself or your ideas to someone in power? It can be intimidating. I recently had a conversation with Dr. Chip Bell, the world-renowned authority on customer loyalty and innovative service. Bell is North America’s #1 keynote speaker on customer service and he works.

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