
Personal Development

How Would a Five-Year-Old Evaluate Your Airtime?

What subject do you give the most airtime to? If someone asked your team what you care about, what would they say? How about your family? I regularly get a similar email from different people, in different jobs around the world that speaks to the issue of airtime. The.

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Leadership Lessons from Monica Lewinsky

Leaders aren’t ruined by their mistakes. They’re ruined by their response to their mistakes. Monica Lewinsky’s recent TED talk, “The Price of Shame” illustrates how the right words with the right tone can reframe even the most demoralizing of situations.  In 22 short minutes Lewinsky transforms public perception, moving from.

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Is Your Job Just a Job?

Do you consider your work a calling? Or is it just a job? The recent Wall Street Journal article, “I Don’t Have a Job. I Have a Higher Calling,” evoked a firestorm on line from people who felt that trying to bring higher purpose into the workplace was like.

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Over a Million Eyeballs and They’re Not All Happy

It’s a fundamental question: Do you want the generations who follow you to have it better than you did? Last week, I posted a piece on LinkedIn: Why Millennials Keep Dumping You: An Open Letter to Management. The responses revealed a stark division in people’s perspective about work, and.

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Why Culture Matters More Than Goals

What’s the culture of your organization?  Is it an environment where things get done on time, every time?  Or are deadlines more flexible?   Do you believe in having fun, or is it more serious? Every organization has a culture, so does every family.  Culture is the, usually, unspoken beliefs.

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The Mental Shortcut That Dumbs Down Your Mind

The human mind loves certainty. Left to its own devices, when faced with a challenging situation, your brain will create a dichotomy, a this or that polarizing choice that simplifies complex situations. It’s not your brain’s fault. The human mind is incredibly complex; every day it has to keep.

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The Horrible Awful Thing That is Wrong with Schools

Do you remember career counseling when you were in school?  Someone probably presented a bunch of career options and then tried to help you decide the best fit based on how you had performed thus far in academia with little or no discussion about your personality traits. This is.

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Don’t Be the One Who Waits for the Safe Space

We all want the safe space, the space where you won’t be rejected, where you won’t look silly, where there’s no risk, and where you know that things will work. Whenever I talk about emotional engagement, or passion or Noble Purpose, inevitably someone will come up to me afterward.

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Why Metrics Drive Mediocrity

We’ve all heard it, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Metrics-driven leadership is now the default. Leaders set numerical goals in an attempt to solve every problem from struggling schools to flagging sales. But the problem with metrics-driven leadership is that it doesn’t work. The above quote is.

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