

How to Differentiate Yourself in 1 Minute Flat

Can a single pivotal behavior elevate the culture of your entire organization? It can if it’s the right behavior. Here’s how a simple 1 minute act helped an organization outperform their competition by leaps and bounds: My family and I were moving our daughter into Boston University last weekend..

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7 Ways to Have a Great Life

Long-term goals are important, but don’t make the mistake of putting your happiness on hold until you achieve them. Here are 7 simple ways you can have a great life starting tomorrow morning: 1.Get enough sleep – It makes you smarter, nicer and better problem-solver. You’ll also have fewer traffic.

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10 Ways To Make A Great First Impression In 30 Seconds

The first thirty seconds count.  Whether it’s a date or a job interview, our brains make snap judgments about people within seconds of meeting them. It starts before they even open their mouths.   Research shows the first 30 seconds of an interview often determines whether the person gets hired.

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How To Be More Persuasive and Influential at Work

You know who they are, they’re the people who can walk into a meeting and charm the socks off everyone in the room. They inevitably wind up with bigger budgets, more support for their ideas and more promotions than their less persuasive peers. Knowledge is not enough, being the.

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Five Ways Sleep Deprivation Can Ruin Your Relationships

Think you’re doing your employer or family a favor by giving up on sleep to get more done? You’re wrong. We may tell ourselves that we’re sacrificing sleep for the benefit of others, but the data says otherwise. Studies show that when you’re exhausted you’re less empathetic, quicker to.

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The Doorbell Dynamic: Failure to See the Big Picture

Doesn’t it make you crazy when people can’t see the big picture? You’ll be in the middle of a project, and they do something completely counter to the goals.  In our family, we call it the doorbell dynamic. There’s a story to explain. My parents remodeled their house a few years back.  It.

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7 Tips for a Miserable Holiday With Your Family

For every person looking forward to spending the holidays with family, there’s another one, or five, who are dreading it. For some, time with extended family is practically purgatory. I’m lucky. I like my family; in fact, I love them. Yet as I listen to people grumble about their.

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Can I Get A Volunteer? Three Ways to Enlist More Support

Do you ever notice how some people always seem to be able to get plenty of help and support for their projects, yet others struggle to get people engaged? Whether it’s trying to find enough warm bodies to man the Spring Fling Sno Cone booth or convincing your coworkers.

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Words Are Free But Their Value Is Priceless

Why should I have to tell you that I love you?  I’m married to you, aren’t I? Why should I have to compliment you for doing your job?  I pay you every week. It’s the “I shouldn’t have to tell you – you should just know” phenomenon, and it.

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Minding the Gap Keeps You From Falling Into the Abyss

Mind The Gap. It’s a phrase commonly used to warn train passengers of the gap between the station platform and the train door.   But it’s a metaphor that applies to many areas of our lives.   The Gap is the space between one activity and the next.  .

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