

Is Lack Of Innovation Keeping You Stuck?

Is lack of innovation keeping you stuck? “Don’t get wedded to ideas, get wedded to questions.”   Do you ever find yourself trapped inside the same issue over and over again? Maybe it’s because you’re looking at it through the same lens. Whether it’s a business challenge or a.

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How To Keep Emotional Vampires From Leeching Your Ambition

She was my boss’ secretary, back in those days when there was such a thing as personal secretaries. She was mean as a snake.  She snapped at anyone who dared ask her for assistance with anything.  And if you made a mistake, heaven help you. We called her “Mean Jean.”  The smart people.

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How To Be More Persuasive and Influential at Work

You know who they are, they’re the people who can walk into a meeting and charm the socks off everyone in the room. They inevitably wind up with bigger budgets, more support for their ideas and more promotions than their less persuasive peers. Knowledge is not enough, being the.

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Five Ways Sleep Deprivation Can Ruin Your Relationships

Think you’re doing your employer or family a favor by giving up on sleep to get more done? You’re wrong. We may tell ourselves that we’re sacrificing sleep for the benefit of others, but the data says otherwise. Studies show that when you’re exhausted you’re less empathetic, quicker to.

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How To Rewire Your Brain By Inventing Crazy Stories About People

We call it the hospital game.  I came up with it when my kids were little to help me cope with rush hour traffic. It turned out to be a life-changing experience. It started when somebody cut me off at an exit ramp. I was about to curse, but then.

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Self-Enhancing Bias: Why So Many People Won’t Acknowledge External Factors in Their Success

Have you ever noticed how prickly some people get if someone suggests that luck has anything to do with their success? Gwyneth Paltrow was recently quoted in an interview saying that her enviable physique was not due to luck or good genes, but the fact that she “worked her.

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Why Willpower Isn’t The Real Problem

Have you ever tried to lose weight, quit smoking, or get out of debt and become frustrated when you failed? Join the club. We usually blame lack of willpower. The prevailing cultural belief is that people who can’t change their habits are weak-willed, unable to muster up the internal.

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Why Most People Don’t Like Their Jobs

There are two basic human needs: connection and meaning. If you don’t get them at work, you’re not going to like your job very much. We want to be connected to other people and we want to know that we’re making a difference. It’s doesn’t matter whether you’re a.

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The Real Reason So Many People Are Such Bad Communicators

From the anal-retentive drones whose PowerPoint presentations seem to last for weeks to the overbearing braggart who can’t stop telling you how wonderful he is, some people just aren’t very good at communicating. You’ve probably also experienced the awkward silences, stammered replies and mid-sentence brain freezes that can stall a meeting, presentation.

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How Introverts Can Connect Better With People

The real difference between introverts and extroverts isn’t social skills; it’s about how you recharge your batteries. When most people think about extroverts vs. introverts, they often envision the stark contrast between the charismatic guy wowing the room with a rip-roaring joke and the awkward, quiet guy in wrinkled.

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