

How to Protect Yourself from Being Hit in the Gut by the Two-By-Four Called Love

Life is not safe.  You can’t protect yourself from heartbreak. No matter how hard you try. If you love, you’re at risk for loss. Gut-wrenching, god-awful, soul-searing loss. Within the last week two separate friends lost their daughters. The two women don’t know each other; the deaths weren’t connected. One.

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3 Sales Leadership Takeaways – Health Industry Distributors Executive Conference

How many times do you attend a great presentation or conference packed with helpful information?  But then you neglect to implement what you learned? I make sure that doesn’t happen to my clients. I just delivered two programs as the Health Industry Distributors Association Executive Conference. Leading with Noble.

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Why Working At Home Isn’t The Problem Or The Solution

People often ask me how I can work from home. They say, “I’d be so distracted. I would have a hard time not watching TV or doing the laundry.”   All I can say is, you must not like your job. I have the opposite problem. I work until.

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Why You Shouldn’t Tell Your Boss Everything

A family friend who worked at the White House said that one of the biggest challenges is deciding what to tell and what not to tell the President. There aren’t enough hours in the day to brief the boss on everything. You have to figure out what’s important and what’s.

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Why Other People Make It Hard To Get Things Done

It starts with a great idea. It’s exciting at the beginning. But then, as you try to implement it, your efforts aren’t greeted with enthusiasm. Instead you encounter apathy, resistance, and derision. Thus begins the long slow slog of getting things done. It doesn’t matter whether you work in.

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Does Hating Rich People Make You Broke?

Quick, if you saw a Rolls Royce on the side of the road and a guy in a suit standing next to it staring at his flat tire, what pops into your head? If you find yourself laughing at a rich guy having to suffer, you may be suffering.

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What is the Poison Person Costing You?

Every organization has a poison person; some organizations have lots of poison people. They’re the people who suck the energy out of projects, complain about routine events and whine about the slightest inconvenience. For example, I once worked in an office where our boss’ admin was so negative that.

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Dorie Clark – 5 Things Top Sales Leaders Do Differently

Forbes contributor Dorie Clark shares five secrets of top sales leaders that author Lisa Earle McLeod has identified – and discusses what we can learn from them. Dorie is a former presidential campaign spokeswoman, is a frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and the American Management Association’s publications..

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How 2 Minutes of Power Posing Can Make You More Confident

What goes through your mind before you walk into an important meeting? If you’re like most people it’s a mixture of positive and negative self-talk along with rehearsing your key points. This thought jumble – What if they don’t like me, What if I trip, No, I can do.

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Three Big Things I Realized While Chewing on Smog in Beijing

Three Big Things I Realized While Chewing on Smog in Beijing There’s nothing like trying to use a foreign toilet to make you realize just how spoiled you are. Dispatch from China: My oldest daughter and I have hiked the Great Wall, braved the smog of Beijing, walked the.

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