

Are You Going to Stop the Buck, or Assign Blame?

The buck stops here. The famous sign on Harry Truman’s desk applies to all of us. At a certain point, we all have a buck stops here moment. Whether stepping up at work to fix a problem you inherited, or even harder, breaking the chain of pain in your.

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Is Screen Time Improving Your Relationships?

In our click, tweet, screen culture, it’s easy to say that we’ve become dehumanized. For many organizations, customers and people are treated like a number in the virtual queue. The problem is not the technology. One need look no further than Facebook to see how the right technology can.

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5 Ways Leaders (Unknowingly) Sabotage The Sales KickOff

You’ve got a big number to hit.  It’s time to rally the troops.  You bring your sales team together for the sales kickoff meeting.  It’s big.  It’s expensive, and the logistics rival a space launch. But, sadly, for many companies the annual meeting is a rinse and repeat exercise.

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Winners Can Be Surprised, but Losers Should Not Be

Have you ever faced public humiliation? I have. Years ago I was up for a promotion; I knew that one of my peers was also being considered. I lost. My boss at the time had the good grace to call me into his office, late in the day, and.

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Is it Coaching, or a Critique? Perspective Changes Everything.

How do you respond when someone offers you a suggestion? Consider this scenario.  Imagine you just gave a presentation.  Afterwards, your boss says, “It was good, but you included too much detail, next time make it crisper.” How do you react?  Do you feel the need to explain why.

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Beautiful Questions Versus Exhausting Questions

What kinds of questions are driving your life?  Are they beautiful questions, or exhausting questions? The poet and consultant Libby Wagner, who specializes in leadership language says, “A beautiful question by nature is expansive rather than restrictive.” Wagnerwho draws upon the work of the late Irish poet, John O’Donahue.

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Change is Not the Problem, People Are

We’ve long been told, “Change is hard.”  The prevailing wisdom is that people don’t like to change. I was recently dealing with a leader who was trying to make organizational process changes.  Very few on the team adopted the new processes.  They didn’t argue in the meeting when it.

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Pre-decision making: How to Make Better Decisions under Stress

A critical decision is one that shapes your future, things that affect your career, your relationships, and your reputation. We often agonize over non-critical decisions. Deciding what kind of car to buy is probably not going to have a big impact on your career. Deciding how to cut your.

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Why Culture Matters More Than Goals

What’s the culture of your organization?  Is it an environment where things get done on time, every time?  Or are deadlines more flexible?   Do you believe in having fun, or is it more serious? Every organization has a culture, so does every family.  Culture is the, usually, unspoken beliefs.

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Are Errors of Apathy Eroding Your Organization?

If you’re not making mistakes you’re not trying anything new. Yet in many organizations, there’s a greater penalty for errors than for inaction. The reason is that inaction often goes unnoticed, while errors are front and center. Yet over time, inaction is an insidious error that will eventually erode.

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