

“Kill the Competition” Is Not a Rallying Cry

During a recent product launch meeting at a high-profile SaaS company, the senior leadership team (attempted) to motivate their team using the all too familiar “kill the competition” rallying cry. “We’re going to obliterate them!”             “We’re going to make those guys worry about their mortgages.” The team was.

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3 Leadership Lessons I Learned from Working in Food Service (That Business School Never Taught Me)

I’ve led teams large and small, and I’ve coached leaders in a huge variety of situations. The lessons I find myself drawing upon again and again, aren’t the things I learned in business school (Sorry, University of Georgia). They’re more frequently the timeless truths I learned earlier in my life,.

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How to Have A Better SKO

“This could have been an email” It’s the ultimate critique of a meeting. It’s bad enough when someone says it, or more likely, texts it to their colleague during a routine presentation. But it’s worse when it happens at an important event like your annual Sales Kick Off (SKO)..

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How to Make Someone’s Heart Sing

The reason the movie It’s a Wonderful Life plays on endless repeat over the holidays (and we still cry at the end) is because it taps into a universal human longing. We want to know that we matter.  We want to know that the way we’re spending our time (at work,.

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The Hidden (negative) Cost of Data-Driven Leadership

The breadth of data at our fingertips is a powerful tool, information has never been so accessible for leaders. We’re able to quantify things that in the past felt gauzy like, employee engagement, productivity, customer perceptions, competitive threats, and even manager perceptions are all now measurable. Almost every employee,.

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How High Performers Keep Learning (Even When They’re Busy)

Traditionally, our collective view on learning and development has been somewhat narrow- blocked out time specifically dedicated to improving the skills you need for your current job. But when people are tired and busy…that view just doesn’t work. According to LinkedIn data, 94% of employees would stay at a.

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How to Laugh More at Work

When was the last time you laughed at work? No, not the polite ‘haha’ response. And typing ‘lol’ in an email (while you are completely stoned face) doesn’t count either. I’m talking about a deep belly laugh, with your coworkers. The kind that fills you with endorphins, wakes you.

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Stop Saying People “Don’t Want to Work” … They Just Don’t Want to Work for *You*

Job openings have hit a record high. There’s energy in the market; the flood of new positions in aviation, hospitality, and tech are contributing to a collective buzz. Yet for many organizations, filling positions is becoming increasingly challenging. From American Airlines canceling flights, citing a labor shortage, to Applebee’s offering free food to anyone willing.

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How to Get Over Your Weirdness About Making Money

People often assume that because I talk about Noble Purpose, I don’t care about money. Nothing could be further from the truth. I care very deeply about money, because I understand the impact it has on our lives.  Backstory: I’ve been broke – like bankruptcy level broke – so.

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How to Harness the Power of Storytelling (Especially in Remote Environments)

As teams find their “new normal” for communicating and staying connected remotely, storytelling often gets left out of the equation. This is a big problem. In remote environments, when emotional connection and anecdotes get stripped away, it can leave teams feeling like work is a grind; a Monday through Friday.

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