

How to Leverage Emotions at Work

When was the last time you felt inspired? What made you feel that way? If you’re like most humans, inspiration requires an intense level of emotion. Research tells us if we want people to act, we have to appeal to their emotions. Neuroscientist Paul Zak researched the physiological impact.

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To Tattle or Not to Tattle: When to Tell the Boss and When to Keep it to Yourself

To tattle or not to tattle, that is the question my friends. When you see a co-worker making errors, how do you handle it?  Ignore it? Bring it to their attention right away?  Sit on it?  Or do you tell the boss? The answer is, it depends?  Here are.

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Why Your Observations Are Wrong

Do you observe people? Of course you do; we all do.  Whether you’re making assessments of an interview candidate, observing your team during a meeting, or meeting a prospective in-law for the first time.  We’re always consciously and unconsciously observing and making assessments. In business, these anecdotal assessments determine.

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How to Be Promotable: 3 Surprising Things You Need to Know

What does it take to get promoted? Most people think being good at your job is enough.  They’re wrong. I met a woman on a plane a few weeks ago who told me she was up for a promotion.  Full disclosure, it was a long flight, and I’m one.

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Useless Employee Surveys and How to Avoid Them

Have you ever done an employee survey?  How honest were you? Did the questions even scratch the surface of the true feelings you have about your job? Organizations increasingly concerned about the cost of turnover and lack of employee engagement often lean on employee surveys to get insights into.

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The Surprising ROI On Gratitude Training

What are you grateful for? Your family? A home? These are the typical go to’s when people discuss gratitude. Pop culture is filled with studies touting the benefits of gratitude for health, happiness, and overall well-being. But is it good for business? According to the Harvard Medical School editorial “In.

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How To Deal with a Whining Employee

As a leader, it’s frustrating to hear whining.  In response, leaders often say, “Don’t come to me with a problem, come to me with a solution.” It sounds good in theory, but telling your people they can only come to you with answers, keeps you from hearing valuable feedback. .

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What Doris Day Taught Me About Coaching

Do you have to be a star performer to be a great coach? When I was a high school drama student, one of our assignments was to read a biography of a famous actor or actress and write a report about it.  I waited until the last minute; the.

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Your Job is Like Cake

Do you like cake? I love cake.  Give me a piece of cake, and I’m happy. A good job is kind of like cake.  One piece is excellent.  Two pieces are good.  But if you eat a whole cake, you’re going to stop liking cake. A lot of people.

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The Three “Apologies” That Makes Things Worse

Sorry.  Not sorry.  We’re all familiar with the non-apology, people who toss off “I’m sorry” without meaning it or understanding how their actions affect others. It’s annoying in small-scale situations, but when the non-apology comes from a CEO, it’s simply mind-boggling.  Despite being assisted by experts and crisis managers,.

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